Chapter 23

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It's Sunday morning when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. 

"Who is it?" I sat up on my bed rubbing the sleep on my eyes 

"Young Master your grandfather is here" one of my maids said 

I quickly stood up and went to the door and open the door. There stood my granpappy as I hugged him. 

"Grandpa! I thought you'll be home by Christmas?" I asked while hugging him 

"Well I got to do business here so that's why I'm here plus I'll be spending my time with you" he said 

As Grandpa told mo te get dress I quickly went to my closet and pulled out a black button up shirt, my black skinny jains and a pair of my black vans. I quiffed my hair and went downstairs to see Liam was also here I think he's coming with us. 

"Hey Li!" I said hugging him 

"Hey Mij" he said as we both hugged 

"Mij you really got to stop with the black" Liam said as we walk towards the garage 

"But Li you know I love this color" I said as we got inside Liam's Hummer H3 

"Fine please fasten your seatbelts" he said 

"Yes sir. Liam where's gradpa by the way?" I asked 

"Well he's already on the gold course waiting for us" he said 

"Golf? But I can't play golf" I said 

"Well you should have known by now that grandpa loves it so you should learn to play it Mij" he said chuckling 

As we went to the golf course and parked near my grandpa's Mercedez I quickly got out and went to the changing room to change my outfit followed by Liam. 

"Li you know your the one that will be playing with grandpa right? 'Cause I'll just be watching" I said 

"Then why are you changing you outfit?" he asked 

"I dunno" I said shrugging 

We quickly got dressed as we saw our grandpa on a golf cart as he halt in front of us. We climbed at the back. This is going to be a tough day. 

As grandpa was about to hit the ball he asked me. 

"So Mij when can I meet this Niall?" he asked 

"Oh um when do you want to meet him grandpa?" I asked 

"How about after we play here? Let have him for dinner?" he asked 

"Oh okay" I said 

As grandpa hit the ball and it shoots straight to nthe hole. I quickly fished out my phone and call Niall. It kept ringing and his voice mailbox was the only thing answering for him. 

I kept calling him until for what I felt the umpteenth time I calle him he answered. 

"Hey boo" he said 

"Don't hey boo me where are you? I kept calling you" I said 

"Oh sorry I was um on the bathroom taking a shower" he said 

"Oh okay" I said but I'm doubting if he reallty took a shower 'cause you can sense I can sense if he's lying on the phone. 

"So why are you calling me?" he asked 

"Oh yeah grandpa's here and he wants to meet you" I said 

"W-what?" he stuttered 

"Yeah he's here and he wants to meet you at dinner time" I said 

"Okay" he said 

"Please don't be scared it's just my grandpa" I said 

"Okay I'll be there dinner" he said 

"Okay see you later then love yah" I said 

"Love you too" he said chuckling 

As I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket. 

"So? What did your boyfriend say Mij?" grandpa asked aiming at the ball 

"He'll be glad to see you at dinner" I said as he hit the ball

Oh please let this dinner be not awkward. 

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