Chapter 27

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Niall's POV 

Me and Mij where having a picninc at their back garden near their fountain. A plain blakc blanket was laid his head was laying on my legs while I was sitting texting on myphone. When his phone rang he quickly fished out of his pocket. 

"Who's it?" I asked curiously 

"It's Harry" he said as he answered it 

"Hey Haz......What!......Yes........Okay I'll be waiting for you here by the way I'm with Niall is that okay with you?.....Okay be safe" he said through the phone as he hung up 

He looked up at me as smpathy seen on his eyes. 

"What's wrong" I asked 

"It's Harry he's crying I don't know why he told me he'll be coming here" he said as he laid back again on my legs 

Minutes later passed we saw Harry eyes blodshoot he have bags under his eyes his skin paler. As Mij sat up and jumped towards him engulfing him on a comfating hug. Mij saying comforting things to him as they walked on the blank Mij sat next to me and Harry across from us. 

"Harry what's wrong?" I asked as he glared at me 

I was taken a back by his glare I didn't do anything to him yet. 

"You!" he said pointing at me 

"Me?" I asked 

"Yes you!" he said 

"You must be the one who told him!" he said 

"Told him what?" I asked 

"The one to cheat on me!" he said 

What Louis? Well yeah we maybe cheater's but I know Louis was different from me the way his eyes when he looks at Harry I can't believe it. 

"Niall do you know anything about this?" Mij asked me 

"No I don't know anything about this" I said shooking my head 

"Oh bull!" Harry said 

"Haz please calm I know Niall when he's telling the truth" Mij said 

I looked at him giving him a thanking smile as Harry sat again pulling his knees to his chest as he began to sob. 

"How did you found out that Louis was cheating on you?" Mij asked 

"First of all his perfumes he never wore cheap perfumes. Especially feminine once, next he's always busy during weekends so that got my suspicion" he took a deep breath as he continued his story 

"Then when I was asking him this morning if he's at home he said no I was talking to him through the phone when I hear an unfamiliar female voice and that really got me it. So I surprised him on his flat when I knocked on the door he opened the door when a girl suddenly walked down on his stairs she was wearing his t-shirt!" he said through gritted teeth 

"Do you know the girl though Harry?" I asked 

He looked at me and Mij as he sighed. 

"Yes I-it was Eleanor" he said 

"Eleanor?!?" I said shocked 

They both looked up at me dumbfounded. Eleanor? But I though she and Louis broke up years ago and now I'm finding this out suddenly! This boy better got a an explanation and a good one I must have! 

"Do you know her?" Mij asked 

I gulped dryly "Yes" I said 

"Who's she?" Harry asked 

"He's Louis's ex" I said 

As Harry's widen both of his hands covering his mouth frozen on his place as tears streamed down again on his face. 

Mij crawled close to him as he craddled Harry to calm him down, as Mij calmed him down his sobs stopped. 

"Ni Am I that really bad of a friend?" Mij asked me as he laid an asleep Harry on the picnic blanket.

"Why did you say that Mij?" I asked 

"Because can't you see? If I'm a good friend I could have atleast fixed this but no. One's Harry settled his mind he won't change it ever again" he said looking at Harry pitying the sleeping boy 

"I hope we can do anything" I said as I glance back at Harry 

"I'm afraid we can't do anything" he said 

As we both laid on the other side of the blanket. I'm spooning him so his face was buried on my chest as I stroke his hair. He pulled away lightly. 

"You know I hope you learned your lesson" he said 

I know what he's talking about and yes I think I already learned my lesson. And I hope to change quickly. 

"Thanks for it" I said as I kissed his forehead

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