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Mijo's POV 

Do you know that feeling when you thought that everything was finally perfect then it will get ruin? 

I was walking on my way towards the gym where we would practice our graduation march when I saw the thing that shattered me the most. 

Niall was kissing Cher. No more like he's eating her face I thought he finally stopped it. I couldn't fight the tears as they strolled down my eyes as a sob escaped my lips my hands covered my mouth. 

But it was too late as they both snapped out of it Niall's face was drained out of his color. I turned around and quickly ran to my car and hopped in. I drove quickly back to the mansion and parked my car. I slide at the side of my car sitting on the ground as I kept crying until Liam and Harry saw me. 

"Mij? What happened?" Harry asked worriedly 

"H-he" I said stuttering as I can't talk like there was something blocking on my throat 

"Shhhhh" Liam said as he pulled me to a hug 

"I'll kill that fucking bastard" Harry said as I flinched 

"N-no l-let me d-deal with this" I said while stuttering 

As they both looked at each other and looked at me as they nodded. We walked inside back to the dinning room as I heard car being park out of the front of the mansion and a loud banging knock. 

"Mij I know you're there! Please talk to me!" Niall said as Harry quickly got up I grab his hand and shook my head he sat back again on his stool 

I stood up and wiped my eyes as I walked to the door. I opened it to see Niall just the sight of him reminds me the events that happened earlier today. As my hand quickly collided to his right cheek. An echoing slap. 

"Why?" I said as an sob escaped from my lips again 

"Please Mij listen to me" he said pleading 

"No Niall I gave you an another chance yet you ruined it again! I gave my trust to yoa again yet you betrayed me again!" I shouted as I walked to the living room he followed my while closing the doors 

I sat on the couch my hands on my face covering my eyes. As I was crying as I felt his hand on my shoulder. 

"Don't touch me!" I shouted 

"Mij please listen to me" he pleaded 

"Listen to you? Why should I?" I asked sarcastically tears still strolling down my eyes 

"So that you can manipulate me again with your sweet words?!?" I asked shouting 

As evrything I see was red. I quickly saw the vase on the coffee table and throw at him luckily he dodged it and the case collided on the wall at his back. He looked at me scared. 

"Did you really mean your sorry?!?" I asked 

"Or was it just show?!?" I asked 

"Is the bet still going?" I asked 

"What?" he asked 

"Is the bet still going? 'Cause I didn't know it that it still going" I said 

"No you know that it already ended months ago Mij and I love you" he said 

"Really? Because if you love me you'll stop this! I was hearing rumors of you being with her again but did you know what I do I didn't listen to them!" I said 

As he walked towards me I quickly glared at him. 

"Don't you dare come near me!" I said 

I was thinking that he can be trusted but no! Again I'm the one getting hurted. 

"Mij-'' he said but I cutted him off 

"I'm sorry Niall but I can't do this anymore" I said shaking my head 

"No Mij" he said 

"Just go. Goodbye Niall" I said crying 

"Niall!" I heard Liam shouting sternly 

"Just go you heard him" I looked up to see Harry and Liam facing him 

He looked back at me as I shook my head again.

"I'm sorry Niall but I trusted you again and then what happened" I said 

"I love you Mij" he said before he leaved 

As I heard the door closed I broke down again I was on my knees I was a sobbing mess. As I felt Liam hugged me he placed my head on his chest as I clung to him tightly and cried on him as Harry rubbed small circles at my back. 

Why does it always happen to me? Love is war it's either you'll make peace or you and the person you'll love will get hurt in the end. Am I that hard to be loved? I gave everything to show my love to him yet he repays me by doing this. Actually to all my ex's yet somehow they come back to me. But it's hard to give my trust back again after I gave them my second chance.

"Everything will be okay in the end Mij maybe he's not the right one for you Mij" Harry said 

"Again?" I said 

"Again" Harry said and sighed 

We used to be loved and now we got problems that ended us hurting each other. 


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