Chapter 28

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Niall's POV 

It was Saturday night and I was at the pub with Zayn and Louis. Louis was crying for what he did poor lad I pity him. He's the one who really messed up though. 

"I really love him mates" he said 

"Louis we know but you know it's like being part of us we can't be contented to one" Zayn said 

"Why Zayn? Are you cheating on Liam also?" Louis said 

Zayn was taken a back  by Louis' question. Zayn's eyes widened and his mouth closes and opens. 

Louis smirked "I know you do Zayn so who is it?" 

Zayn gulped "P-Perrie" he said 

"Guys why can't you be just contented just to one?" I asked taking a sip from my beer 

"Us? Don't you mean 'we' mate" Louis said air quoting the 'we' 

"Mate I'm trying to change for Mij" I said 

"Yeah 'cause Mij alredy caught him" Zayn said as him and Louis laughed 

"Zayn why don't you be contented to Liam? You don't want to end like Louis right?" I said 

"Yeah I know" Zayn sighed 

"But seriously Louis why did you went back with El?" I asked as I took a swig on my beer 

"I dunno I guess I really like her" he said taking a swig also onj his beer 

"But you also like Harry" I said 

He sighed as he just nodded. After me and the lads drank we went home already as I went to bed and stripped down to my boxers. What's happening to me anyway? I'm not like this I mean I won't let anyone change me though and I wasn't like this I'm too attached to a person being a player wasn't like this. 

There's really something different about Mij that for the times I was with him it was like he was changibng me. But a good change. I was thinking too deep as I drifted of to sleep. He never makes me down there's something more about him I know that. 

I was woken up by the righ of my phone on the bedside table. As I grunted and quickly look who it is, it was Mij calling me as I looked up at what time it is 10:45 did I really slept that much long? As I answered the phone. 

"Hey Mij" I said in my morning voice 

"Morning Ni" he said 

"Morning" I said 

"Happy Monthsary love" he said

Shoot! Was it already our 2nd monthsary? How fast the days to run I didn't even remember our monthsary though shoot. 

"Happy Monthsary too love so what's our plans?" I asked as I sat up on the bed 

"Well I was wondering if you would first like to go horse back riding though and then paint and then just a simple picnic on the backyard" he said 

"Okay that's nice though" I said 

"See yah later Ni" he said 

"See yah later love bye" I said 

"Bye love you" he said 

"Love you too" I said as he hanged up 

I quickly got up and pulled some sweatpants and a shirt as I got down and saw Mum already left and there were pancakes on the table. As I ate my breakfast I was thinking what kind of gift would I give him. For a boy who already has everything what should I give him? Well he likes black things and classy. I thought as I snapped my fingers to my idea. 

'I got it' I muttered to myself 

I ran upstairs and took a shower and quickly dress wearing white skinny jeans, white converse and a black button up shirt. I styled my hair to the side and ran downstairs to my car I quickly drove to the flower shop and quickly asked what I asked for the lady was hesistant at first but I know Mij would like these. 

As I got out of the shop I was grinning happily holding the items that I'll give him. As I hopped inside the car and put the things on the passenger seat I drove to their place as the gates were automatically opened for me and I parked to their garage. 

I walked to the backyard as I saw Mij wearing Black skinny jeans, black vans and a white button up shirt. I chuckled as I thought we matched it's cute though. As I walked behind him and hugged him on the waist he turned around and smiled at me. I pecked him on the lips. 

"Happy second monthsary" I said 

"Happy second monthsary Ni" he said 

"What do you got there" he asked as I was holding the things on my back 

"Well I got something for you" I said as I hold the things to him 

His eyes widened as he smiles and hugs me. 

"Ni these are perfect a white roses crown and a black roses crown" he said 

"Well that's the least I could give to you since I think you already have the things I could give to you" I said 

He pecked me on the cheeks as he wore the black flower crown and he puts the white flower crown on me. As he helped me ride on the white horse. As he ride on the blakc horse on my side. The horses galloped around the backyard as we kept laughing who'll won on the race. This scenery with him was calming peace and I can't wish for anything though. He always has this effect on me. 

As the sun was setting me and Mij were eating on the backyard having a picnic as he lay down on the blanket me sitting crossed leg as I played with his hair. 

"Ni do you believe in forever?" he asked 

I raised my eyebrow "Your asking the same question again?" I asked 

"Yeah" he said 

"Well Mij the answer is still the same" I said 

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