Chapter 17

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Niall's POV 

It's already Monday and I was glad that Ashton would go back already to Australia. And boy how relieved I was I still need to ask him about the song he written 'Blank Space' the lyrics was telling something more of a like story. As the bell rang signalling us that classes are all dismissed. I walk to his desk as I tap his shoulder he looked up at me as he pulled out his earphones. 

"Hey wanna go home?" I asked 

"Not really though" he said frowning 

"Would you like to come with me? Since my mum hasn't seen you" I said 

"Sure" he said as we both walked out the classroom

As we went to the school's parking lot I'm still ashamed of my car I know he's not used to this and my mum can't afford any expensive things since college expenses more. I opened the door for him as he got inside and said 'thank you' as I jogged on the other side and hopped in I started the engine.

As I drive towards my place I glance up at him as he fidgets with his fingers. 

"Hey what wrong?" I asked as I hold his hand with my free one. 

"I'm just nervous about your mum since we haven't met yet" he said 

"Don't worry she'll like you" I said 

"Really?" he asked 

"Yeah" I said 

As I glance at him again smiling. 

"Ni what do you want to do on your birthday?" he asked 

"Why?" I asked 

"I just wanted to give you something special" he said 

"Well then I guess I want a new car" I said jokingly 

"Okay" he said 

"Mij I was just joking" I said 

"Oh I thought you really wanted a new car" he said 

"Nah this car still can run the road" I said 

"But seriously Niall what do you want on your birthday?" he asked 

"Surprise me" I said 

"Okay" he said 

As I parked in our garage and we both hopped out of the car as I opened the door of our house I already smelled food which means Mum was home. 

"Hey let's go to the kitchen my Mum's probably cooking for dinner" I said 

As he followed me I turned around at him and smiled. 

"Well this house is not much for you I guess" I said scratching the back of my neck 

"Seriously it's cute and cozy" he said smiling his eyes crinkles giving me a genuine one 

As we walked to the kitchen I saw my Mum cooking her back turns to us. 

"Mum I brought someone home" I said as she turns around and smiles 

"And this must be the wonderful Mijo" she said as Mij blushed 

"Good afternoon Mrs. Horan"he said 

"Oh dear call me Maura" she said as she turns the fire on the stove off and walks toward him as she gives him a hug. He hesitately hugs back melting to my Mum's hug well we Horan's give the bestest hugs. 

"Would you like to eat here love?" she asked 

"If you would like Ma'am" he said 

As my shakes her head in amusement "Please love call me Maura I insist" she said 

"Okay Maura" he said as my Mum looks at me 

"Ni why don't you take him to the back?" she asked 

"Oh yeah mum" I said 

As I took his hand we walked towards the backyard as we both sit on the swing that was set there. 

"Mij there's something I need to ask" I said looking down at my lap 

"What is it Ni?" he asked 

"About the song you've written with Taylor? What was it about?" I asked 

I felt him taken back by my question "Oh um Niall there's something I need to tell you" he said

"What is it?" I asked 

"Remember the metaphor that was written on the lyrics? I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" he said 

As I raised an eyebrow at him "Yeah why?" I asked 

"You guess" he said as silence filled between us

As my Mum walks out of the back and calls us that dinner was ready we walked back to the dinning room as Mum and Mij talks about one another. As we finished eating Mum took our plates to clean as Mij hesitates to clean since he ate here I snorted as I remember he doesn't even do chores. 

"What?" he asked 

"You don't know how to wash dishes heck you don't even know how to do chores" I said 

As he blushed "I can fix my bed yah know" he said 

I smirked "Easy" I said 

"Alright you two stop it" Mum says jokingly 

"So Mij will you be staying here for the night?" My Mum asks 

"If you let me Ma'am" he said 

"Mij how many times have I told you since we met earlier this afternoon call me Maura okay?" she said 

"Okay" he said 

"Niall why won't you hadn Mij some of your PJ's and shirts?" she said 

"Okay" I said 

As we entered my room he glances around of it yeah my room is filled with color green my favorite color as I can say. 

"Green?" he asked smirking 

"Yeah why?" I asked

"Nothing" he said 

As I went to my cabinet to find something for himsuitable to wear and I know I don't have any black clothings so I just grab a grey PJ and a baggy white shirt as I handed them to him. He quickly went to the bathroom as I changed in my room as I was taking off my shirt the door opens as I turned around to see him. 

"You like what you see?" I asked 

"Oh um sorry I thought you w-were already f-finished" he stuttered 

"Mij it's fine seriously I just need to change my shirt" I said 

"O-okay" he said as he blushes 

I quickly changed my shirt and went to the bed as I gestured him to lay beside me. I spooned him as I place my arms on on his waist hands on the stomache. Butterflies errupt on my stomache. As he turns around his face on my chest as I looked down at me. 

"Niall do you believe in forever?" he asked 

"Not really though" I asked 

''Why?" he asked 

"Nothing lasts forever Mij" I said 

"So you don't believe will be forever together?" he asked 

"Mij there are so many things to imply our relationship other than forever" I said 

"Oh" he said 

"It's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames" I sang as I placed my chin on his had sniffing his Jasmine scented hair 

"Did you just sang Blank Space?" he asked 

"Yeah why?" I asked 

"You can tell me when it's over if the high was worth the pain" he sang

As I felt his breathing steadily snores escapes from his parted lips. As I kiss his fringe and fell asleep.

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