Chapter 6

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Niall's POV 

After I got home from yesterday I kept thinking the great date I don't want it to be fancy 'cause I know he's already been to it. So I made a date that doesn't involve too much money. I was fixing my hair when there was a knock on my door. 

"Hey Ni where are you going?" Mum asked 

"Um I'm going on a date" I said looking at her reflection through the mirror 

"Oh an another one Ni I just hope that this one you'll never hurt him or her" she said 

I turned around to look at her "Mum trust me this boy makes me feel something, something I haven't felt to anyone" I said 

"Yeah I see it you never dress like that quite" she said eyeing to what I'm wearing 

I was wearing a black plain polo and white skinny jeans and my hair was flated to the side plus I'm wearing a white converse. 

"This boy must be really special to you huh?" she said raising an eyebrow 

"Yeah. Well I gotto go" I said walking past her kissing her cheek 

"Have fun, but not too much okay?" she said 

"Yeah Mum" I said 

I drove to his mansion again it was already afternoon I rang the doorbell as a maid opened it. 

"Hey I'm here for Mijo" I said 

"Oh Master Miguel is on the garden at the back" she said 

"Oh well thank you" I said 

I entered the mansion and walk towards the back I got out as it struck me the garden was wonderful. It must be hectares because the back was huge it even has a maze and hedges to make it to be the wall. As I walk to the back I felt something on the bush was moving as I got closer to it Mijo popped his head out if it startling me. 

"My god you scared me!" I said placing my hand on my chest 

"Sorry" he said 

"So are you ready?" I said 

"Ready for what?" He asked 

"For our date" I said 

"Well oh um elt me take a shower and get dressed you can wait for me on the living room" he said 

"Okay" I said 

I followed him again to the mansion as he left me on the living room I sat on the couch as I see Liam came in. 

"So you too are going out?" he asked 

"Yeah" I said 

"Look mate I know your game" he said 

"Well um" I said he caught me there 

"If you hurt my dear cousin I swear I'll break and burn every bone in your body" he said sternly 

"Look mate I maybe looked and called the player at school but trust me there's something different about your cousin so that's why I'm properly asking him out" I said 

"Uh huh" he said eyeing me from head to toe 

It felt like he was interogating me or something yeah I can't blame my reputation at school but there's really something different about Mijo. 

"Hey Ni let's go" Mijo said entering the living room 

I looked at what he was wearing of course everything black from his Black Ramones T-shirt to his black Toms. I stood up from the couch and walked towards him. As I led him to my car opening the passenger doo for him I jogged towards the other side of it. As I got in Liam waved at us. 

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