Chapter 12

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Niall's POV 

It's Monday morning me and Mijo still haven't talked about our little argument as I entered the school hallways I already recognized him he's always wearing black. His back was against me while I approach him I hugged him and placed my chin on his shoulder. 

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked 

He didn't respond so I placed a kiss to the crook of his neck as I felt him shiver under the kiss. 

"Boo are you still mad at me? I'm sorry I know I easily get jealous and maybe that's the reason I don't wanted to be in a relationship in the first place" I said 

He turned around to face me as I hold him on his waist as he puts both of his arms on my neck. His eyes were bloodshot from crying and bags under his eyes. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked 

"Becuase I thought you'll left me" he said sniffing 

"I shouldn't been that way yesterday I'm just jealous I guess" I said 

"And it hurts for me you don't trust me that you think I'll cheat on you" he said 

"Yeah I'm really sorry" I said as the bell rang signalling us first classes will start in 5 minutes. 

I entwined our fingers as we went to our first class as we were walking to our class we saw our principal standing out of the door as he sensed us coming closer to him he looks at the two of us and smiles. 

"Mr. Bartolome it's good to see you here can I talk to you on my office" our Principal said 

"Sure sir. Ni you better get going" he said 

I smiled at himas I let go of our entwined hands as he walks with our Principal and I went inside of our first class I saw Louis and Zayn at the back as I took a seat next to them and leaned on Zayn's ear to whisper. 

"Where Harry and Liam?" I asked 

"Mr. Principal called them" he said 

"Liam and Harry too?" I said raising an eyebrow 

"Yeah was Mijo called also?" Zayn said 

"Mr. Malik and Mr. Horan can you please pay attention on my class" Mr. Bentloaf our ophysics teacher called us 

As we write some notes the bell rang that signals us that it's lunch time as the three of us quickly walked to the cafeteria we already saw the other boys Liam, Harry and Mij sitting together as we sat across them on the table. 

"Hey" I said 

"Hey" he said 

"So why did the principal call you Hazzy" Louis said as I see Harry's face turned to beet red

"Lou stop it" Harry said as he looks at his plate 

Louis pinched Harry's cheek and give a quick peck as for Liam and Zayn, Zayn was more likely the girl in the relationship. As me and Mij cleared our throats to get them back their attention. 

"Well the Principal called us because we are exelarating to senior year" Liam said 

"Really? Li Li" Zayn said sounding like a teenage girl 

"Yep Zaynie" Liam said as he pecked Zayn's lips 

"Ugh! Guys too much PDA!" Mij said as I laughed quietly 

"Your just embarassed to be cheesy on public places" Louis said 

"Actually no. He's not the cheesy type I'm the cheesy types he's well something like extravagant and romantic" I said 

"Wow really?" Louis said 

"Yeah" I said 

Once the last bell rang of the day that signals us all classes are dismissed me and Mijo were walking out to the parking lot. 

"So where do you wanna go?" I asked while unlocking my cars door

"Um no where I just wanted to go home" he said 

"Oh okay" I said 

As we were driving home I glanced at him as he was smiling on the road. 

"Hey" he said 

"What?" I asked 

"Can we go to the beach I just wanted to take some ocean breeze" he said smiling 

"Sure" I said 

As I turned the car and settle the route to the beach I plugged my phone to my cars speaker and I put on shuffle mode. As Demi Lovato's Made In The USA played. 

"I love this song" I said 

"Really?" he asked 

"Yeah" I said 

"But you're not made in the USA? Your made in Ireland" he said 

I laughed quietly "Yeah I know that" I said 

As we came close to the beach and parked I quickly jogged out and open his door. 

"Thanks yiour such a gentleman" he said 

"No prob boo" I said 

I let the doors of my car open so we can hear the music playing on the speaker and I put on the repeat current song and Made In The USA was the song that was kept repeating. 

I took of my shoes and socks as I dipped my feet on the water as he did the same. We sat there as I spoon him and hugged him on the waist as I place my chin on his shoulder again hands entwined to each other. 

"I'm sorry again" I said 

"For what?" he asled 

"Fot being such a jerk and I got jealous easily" I said 

"No I'm sorry I should have just explain things to you between me and Ashton were just bestfriends to the thrill" he said 

"Yeah I'm really sorry though" I said as I kiss his cheek 

As we sat there the music playing watching the sun sets as the wind gets colder. 

"We should go yeah?" I said 

"Alright" he said as we both stood up and walked back to our car as we hopped in I quickly drove him back to the mansion. He wasn't going out of the car and I wondered why? Oh yeah! I forgot I'm being the gentleman here! 

I quickly got out of my car and walked towards his side and opened his door as he got out. He leans towards me our breaths were tickling each others faces. As I closed the gap and and slammed my lips to his as I cupped his cheek. 

The kiss was full of passion and love nothing less not even more. As I felt sparks fly around us the world stops, time freezes, fireworks errupted on our surrounding and buttterflies errupted on my stomache. For me this was the first time I felt this and I'm glad to feel it or I'll miss the sensation.

I like the way he does to me and that's why he interests me more everyday I fell for him deeper.

Love Is War  (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now