Chapter 14

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Ashton's POV 

I was awoken by a knock on my door as I felt someone was laying on of me as I looked down on my chest to see Mij hugging me. As I removed him not waking him up and walked to door to open to see a girl wearing a red hoodie and shades as I raised an eyebrow. 

"Can I help you?" I asked 

As the girl removed her hoodie and shades. My eyes widened. 

"Tay what are you doing here in London?" I asked 

"Wow can I at least come in?" she said 

As I stepped aside so she can come in. 

"So what are you doing here again?" I asked 

"Well I'm on the runway to sing for VS here on London that will be held tomorrow night and Mij said you and him were here so I dropped by to say hi" she said 

"Oh" I said 

"Yeah and by the way why are you here again? Aren't you in Australia already?" she said 

"Well I came here to finish some business" I said scratching the back of my neck 

"And business you mean him? He's already in a relationship Ash you can't just come back here and take him" she said 

"I know and I made a mistake that I let him go" I said as we took as sit on the couch 

As we heard someone walked in we saw a sleepy Mij rubbing the sleep in his eyes as his eyes widened. 

"Tay?!?" he said he started running to Taylor and hugged her tightly 

"It's good to see you again Mij" she said 

"Why are you here?" he asked 

As Taylor explains why she is here I made some tea for the three of us as I went to the kitchen and the two of them sat on the stool I took a sit across from them. 

"So I was wondering Mij if you can come tomorrow at the VS fashion runway and sing with me?" she asked as my eye widened 

"You know he can't sing" I said 

"Apparently your not informed that he can sing and he's the one who helped me on my latest hit single" she said 

"Really Mij?" I asked he nodded 

"So what is this song?" I asked 

"It's called Blank Space it's really more to the story of this fellow here" Taylor said 

"Really can I hear it?" I asked 

"Nope you have to come tomorrow. So Mij will you be performing with me tomorrow?" Taylor asked 

"I don't really know Tay my body's not for the runway you know that" he said 

"Aw come on Mij you won't be wearing inappropriate" she said 

"Fine" he said huffing in annoyance 

"But can I bring the lads there tomorrow?" I asked 

"Sure why not and maybe they can do walk for the runway also" she said 

"Really?" he said 

"And even you Ashton you can also" she said to me 

"No I'm fine why don't I just be in the band that will be playing on the runway tomorrow?" I asked 

"Why not" she said 

As we sat there in the kitchen drinking our tea Mij's phone buzzed as he picked it up and answer his call. 

"Hey Ni.....Yes I'm fine.... Tay's here also" he said 

"Hey Niall" she said 

"So Taylor said you and the ladds should be here tomorrow and do a rrunway walk tomorrow at the VS fashion show... come one Ni please.... Ok see you tonight" he said as he hung his phone 

"So are they going?" Taylor asked 

"Yes all of them" he said smiling 

"Great so we have to go now and be on the runway to practice just the two of us" she said looking at me 

"What? Why can't I come?" I said 

"The song will be a surprise" she said 

"But how can I practice the drum?" I asked 

"Well you can practice on a seperate room duh?" she said sassing me 

"Fine" I sighed in annoyance 

"So let's go Mij?" she asked 

"Yeah let me just go to my room across the hall and change" he said 

"Okay I'll wait for you here" she said 

As Mij stood up and walked to the door and closed it me and Taylor went back to the living room. 

"Who wrote the lyrics that you two will be performing for tomorrow?" I asked curiously 

"Honestly? He wrote the whole song and I just put on the beat of the music" she said 

''Really?" I asked 

"Yeah" she said 

"You know as he wrote the song it was a year after you left him and his ex boyfriend broke his heart" she said 

"Really?" I asked 

"Yeah your the only one that was different quite amongst his taste yah know" she said 

"What do you mean?" I asked 

"Well he loves the players" she said simply with a blank face 

"So all of his past relationships he had was with players?" I asked 

"Yeah I just don't get it?" she said 

"Don't get what?" I asked 

"They kept hurting his heart but he still loves them until they pushed him to the edge" I said 

"Really? I just wished I never left him" I said 

"Well that was the biggest mistake you did I guess" she said 

"Yeah" I said 

As we sat on the couch in silence the door opened againas Mij entered with his all black clothing. 

"Jeesh Mij you really should lighten up on the clothes you wear" she said 

"You know how I lvoe black it's simple and elegant" he said 

"Alright let's go now" she said as she stood up from the couch 

"Okay" as they walked out of the door Mij turned around to look at me 

"Oh Ash the lads might be here while I'm gone please entertain them" he said 

As the two of them walked out of the room and I plopped down on the couch. Great now I have to deal with his boyfriend that I hate!

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