Chapter 9

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Niall's POV 

It was already Friday and tomorrow we will be performing our song but I wanted to change the song the that we're about to sing. We were eating lunch me, Mijo, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry. I'm still not used to this though one day were just complete strangers and now Louis and Harry admitted that they were dating as for Liam and Zayn also. So they were the same state as mine and Mij's. 

"So Mij I was thinking if we could change the song we're gonna sing tomorrow?" I asked 

"Seriously Niall?" he said 

"Yeah" I said 

"But we have to rehearse again and remember the lyrics" he said 

"I think we don't have to rehearse just let's give them a surprise tomorrow? And the lyrics? I'll just give them to you it's not hard to remmeber them" I said 

"Fine what are we gonna sing anyway?" he asked 

I leaned closer to him as I whisper in his ear. 

"Hmmm are you sure about that?" he asked 

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' 

As we kept eating I noticed that Harry and Louis were the type of couples that were just to clingy to each other as for Liam and Zayn they were most actually more matured. 

"Guys PDA!" Mij said as I laugh 

Harry and Louis looked down at their tray as they blushed 

"Look at them?" Liam said pointong his fork to Harry and Louis 

The four of us laughed as the two kept blushing. 

As the bell rang which signals us that lunch wa already done the six of us walked out of the cafeteria and headed to our next class which was music. 

Harry and Louis sat on the corner as they started singing in a low tone same for Liam and Zayn. While Mijo was about to seat with them I quickly grabbed his arm. 

"What?" he asked 

"Let's practice the song somewhere else?" I asked raising an eyebrow 

"Are suggesting me to skip class?" he asked smiling cheekily 

"No I'm not" I said smirking

"Well where do you want to practice then?" he asked 

"Why don't we practice at the gym already?" I asked 

"Why not" he said

We walked towards to our teacher and told her about where going to practice at the gym she easily approved. We walked out of class and headed to the gym while we were walking down the hallways I suddenly had the urge to take his hand so I entwined our fingers as I sway it. 

"What are you doing?" he asked 

"Nothing just holding hands with you thing" I said 

He smirked "Thing?" he said 

"Yeah I like that it's better than dating" I said 

"Yeah that sounds different" he said 

When we were about to enter the gym he stopped walking as he pulls me by my hand. As he drags me towards him I was caught off guard as he put his arms around my neck. As I pulled him by the waist. 

"Why do you like me?" I asked suddenly 

"What do you mean?" he asked 

"Why do you like me you know I'm the player type" I said 

"Well I love the players" he said smirking 

I smirked "Really do I turn you on?" I asked 

"No" he said 

"Players don't turn me on they challenge me" he said 

I raised an eyebrow and smiled cheekily. 

"Well then this player's gonna challenge you harder" I said 

"Really? I want you to make me" he said 

"Oh I will" I said

"Yeah" he said 

We pulled away from the hug as we walked again to the gym holding hands and swaying. As we entered the gym he walked on the stage as he examined the stage. 

"What are you thinking?" I asked 

"Oh nothing just the surprise that we can out into our performance tomorrow" he said 

"Well I wanted you to try something" I said 

As he turned around and looked at me. 

"And what is it?" he asked 

"I want you to wear something light" I asked 

"Huh but why?" he said whining 

"Nah ah just for tomorrow" I said 

"Fine" he said sighing defeated 

"And" I said 

"And?" he asked 

"I want you to dress and look like a girl" I said raising my eyebrow and smirking 

He smirked "Fine" he said 

"What?!?" I said taken back 

"I said fine" he said 

"Seriosuly?" I asked 

"Yeah just for tomorrow" he said 

I was really kidding back at the dare that he should look like a girl but anyways he can always give it a try and I want him to try some guys can't pull of to look like a girl even though they already wear tons of make up he'll just give it a try. 

We were practicing the song as we heard the school bell rang we got out of the gym and walked towards our locker. After we've got our things we started to walked to the parking lot of the school. 

"Do you want a ride?" I asked 

"Yeah why not" he said 

We both hopped inside my car, my car wasn't nearly luxurious his my Mum just bought it for me considering the car was a hand me down one. As I drive us to his place the car was kept in a comfortbale silence as I heard him whistling the song we were about to sing tomorrow. 

"You know I can't believe you can whistle like that" I said 

"Yeah me neither" he said as I heard him giggle 

"Did you just giggle?' I asked as I took a glance at him from the corner of my eyes and stared back on the road. 

"No" he said 

"Aw come on it's cute" I said 

"Stop it fine don't tell anyone okay?" he said 

"Okay" I said 

I can't wait for our performance tomorrow I know the whole school will be surprised to his voice since me and the lads only hears him talking. But what I was more nervous was the thing I'm going to do for tomorrow since I'm a player I really don't know anything about it though.

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