Chapter 21

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Niall's POV 

I stood froze to my sear as Mij raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Ni what's wrong?" he asked 

"Nothing" I muttered as I pushed aside my unfinished meal

"Ni you can tell me anything" he said 

"It's really nothing Mij" I said 

I glanced around the diner to find Cher talking to a group of girls sitting on an another booth at the other side of the diner she caught me looking at her as she smirked shooking her head. 

"Do you know her?" Mij asked 

"No" I lied 

I wouldn't put my relationship at the line here she's my past and Mij's my future. As I looked back at her she and her friends stood up as they walk towards us. I gulped as I felt my heart got stock on my throat, my palms became sweaty as they walked closer to us. When they arrived infront of us Mij looked at her. 

"Can we help you?" he asked annoyed was sense on his voice 

"Yeah can I talk to Niall in private" she said 

"Niall?" he asked looking at me

"Y-yeah" I stuttered

I stood up as Cher gestured me to follow her I glance back at Mij and Cher's friend who were left at our booth to see him looking at me I gave him a reassuring smile as me and Cher sat in a booth. She sat across from me as she twirled a strand of her hair on her fingers. 

"So Ni how are you?" she asked 

"Fine" I said 

"Well you look a little bit buff than the last time I saw you" she said 

I scoffed "Yeah probably that was four years ago" I said getting annoyed

"Niall are you getting annoyed of me?" she asked batting her eyelashes at me 

"Maybe because as you can see I'm having a date with my boyfriend over there and my ex surprisingly came out of no where and sang her song about getting her ex back" I said 

"Well you know that song was really for you" she said 

"Well as you can see also I moved on and I can get anyone who I wanted" I said 

"Wow you really add much game huh?" she said 

"I really did" I said showing her my biceps 

"Can I touch it?" she asked 

"Sure feel it if it helps you" I said 

She reached for it and lightly squeezed it. 

"Wow!" she said 

"Yeah I know" I said smirking 

We heard someone cleared their throat as we both looked up to see who it is I totally forgot I was on a date with Mij. 

"Are you both done?" he asked raising an eyebrow at me and glaring 

"Not yet actually" Cher said 

I felt their burning gaze at each other. Mij's knuckles were getting white as his pupils turned darker than his darked brown ones I looked back at Cher she looks like she was mocking him. 

"Mij can you wait for me at the car?" I asked 

"Fine where are the keys?" he asked as I fished out my keys from my pocket and give it to him 

He walks out of the diner paying our food I sighed letting go of an air I didn't know I hold. 

"Possesive isn't he?" Cher asked playfully 

"Not really this was the first time I saw him jealous" I said 

"Jealous? I think the right word might be furious" she said 

"Really?" I asked 

"Yeah well I should be going now Niall oh! And give me your phone" she said I give her my phone and she gives me her phone

"Save your number on my phone" she said 

I typed my number as I handed her phone back she did the same. 

"I'll call or text you later yeah?" she said 

"Yeah I'll be looking forward to it" I said 

"Bye Ni and be careful you might want to coold down the pie before you eat it" she said 

She stood up and walked to her friends I mentally slapped myself for that I know jealous or furious Mij might be cute be he really looks mad right now.

Love Is War  (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now