Chapter 15

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Ashton's POV 

I was finished cleaning the my plate when the doorbell run as I wiped my hands on the towel that was hanging beside the sink I quickly jogged to the door with a smile hoping it was Mij and Taylor already but as soon I opened the door my smile faded and replaced with a frown. 

"Where are they?" Niall asked 

"Oh they're still on the runway practicing" I said as I stepped aside as he stepped in and carry his bag 

We walked to the living room as I sat on the other side of the couch as he did the same sitting on the other side the room was filled with tension. 

"Look I just like to say that you better stay away from him" he said sternly 

"Why? I'm his bestfriend" I said 

"Yeah to him you are his bestfriend but to you, you look like you love him" he said 

"Well your not wrong about that mate" I said 

As he glared at me I smirked. 

"What?" I asked 

"You better stay away from him!" he said 

"Why? Are you afraid that I might took him again" I said 

"Again?" he said 

Shoot I shouldn't have said that. 

"What do you mean by again?" he asked 

"Nothing" I said turning my gaze to the coffee table infront of us 

"What do you mean by again!" he said through gritted teeth 

"I shouldn't told you he must be the one to tell you" I said 

"No tell me!" he said moving towards me 

"Fine!" I said surrending 

"Well go on tell me!" he said 

"Fine well mostly a year before I came back here we were a thing and he liked me and I like him too It's just that I don't want to ruin our family's relationship to each other and I left him without saying a word but seeing it as my biggest mistake I came back here to get him" I said 

He stood up as he grab me by the collar our faces inches by the gap as he look at me in eyes his eyes filled with anger teeth gritted in anger. 

"Stay away from him! He doesn't deserve you!" he said 

As he placed me back on the couch. 

"Oh yeah? How about you does he deserve you?" I said looking up at him 

"What do you mean by that?" he asked 

"He likes the players alright but why? Even if he knows you'll break his heart" I said 

"I will never ever do that to him" he said 

I raised any eyebrow at him "Oh really 'cause I know once a cheater always a cheater" I said 

"You don't know anything about me!" he said 

"Oh believe me I don't really know anything about you but from the students I talked on your school back in Holmes Chapel you never even been in a serious relationship" I said 

"Well this one is serious!" he said 

"Really?" I asked 

"You know what your really pissing me off" he said 

"Then why won't you hit me huh?" I said 

His fist collided to my left cheek as I felt a sting as I tackled him to the ground I was laying on top of him threwing punches at him as he kept blocking he manged to pull up so now he was on top of me and he kept threwing punches at me first he hitted on my nose. 

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