Chapter 10

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Niall's POV 

It was already Saturday night and I was already at the backstage the other boys were already done performing and me and Mijo were the last one would be performing but he was not still here I tried texting him but I haven't even got a reply. As my phone buzzed. 

Get ready- Mijo 

Where are you?- Niall 

Just go to the stage already okay? I promise I'm already here- Mijo 

He's already here? How come I haven't seen him? Oh right he must be wearing a girls clothes since I dared him but I should have notice him right? 

"Hey Niall you and Mij are next" Zayn said 

I nodded and went to the center of the stage I was wearing an all blakc since I dared him to wear something light the guys at the backstage gave me a mic with a resemblance of my country flag on the bottom. 

I asked the guy who gave it to me and he said 'Mijo wanted for me to use it since he bought the mic' I went to the center of the stage as the lights on the stage dimmed almost set in a blue moon light.  

As the song started. 

"Tell me something, I need to know

Then take my breath and never let it go

If you just let me invade your space

I'll take the pleasure, take away the pain" I heard his voice buit this time it's sexier I glanced at the stage still no sign of him as the crowd also wanders where did the voice came I remained clam since I know it's him. 

"And if in the moment I bite my lip

Baby, in that moment, you'll know this

Is something bigger than us and beyond bliss

Give me a reason to believe it" he sang again as I look up at the right side of the stage my eyes widened to what I've been seeing same as for the boys and the crowd.

He was wearing a pink long sleeve hanging type a short skirt colored also pink which was high on his knees showing of his smooth legs paired with white converse. He was wearing a blonde wig same as the colors of my hair that goes down to his shoulders wearing cat ears. 

He was sitting on a crescent moon swing he was siitting he has a pink mic. 

"'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

And if you really need me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder

Love me, love me, love me

Harder, harder, harder" he sang as he raises his hand gracefully swinging it 

As I gulped down preparing for my lines to be sang and tried to remain calm once again. 

"I know your motives and you know mine

The ones that love me, I tend to leave behind

If you know about me and choose to stay

Then take this pleasure and take away the pain" I sang looking at him smirking as he smirked also as I leaned closer to the swing took his hand and helped him to go down on the swing. 

"And if in the moment you bite your lip

When I get you moaning you know it's real

Can you feel the pressure between your hips?

Love Is War  (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now