Chapter 22

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Mijo's POV 

I waited on the car as Niall got out of the diner I know something's going on he told me he doesn't know that girl but he flirts with her as he hops inside the car. The car was filled with tension. 

"Are you mad at me?" he asked 

"Does it look like?" I said 

"Look I know you're mad at me but-" he said I cutted him 

"You told me you don't know her but when you two talked you seem you know her well" I said my eyes watering 

"Mij please listen to me" he said 

"Fine then" I said wiping my eyes using the back of my hand 

"You're right I know her in fact she's my ex" he said 

I felt my heart dropped on my stomache his ex?!? And he just tells me he doesn't know her? 

"Mij please talk to me" he said

I shook my head "Just take me home" I said 

"No our date isn't yet finished" he said 

"Please just take me home" I said 

"No" he said sternly 

"Fine" I said giving up 

He started the car as he opens the compartment and pulled out a black cloth. 

"Here wear it" he said 

"Why?" I asked 

"It's a surprise for me to keep and for you to know" he said 

I quickly putted on the cloth like a blindfold as we both sat in the car. 

"Where are we going?" I asked 

"It's a surprise" he said 

"Look Mij I'm really sorry that's the first time we'll meet her and last time" he said 

"I hope" I muttered almost whispering that I can only hear it 

I felt the car stopped as I hear the other side of the door and opened as my door opened I felt Niall's hand grab my wrist. 

"Come" he said guiding me to stand up 

I felt the cold wind hit me as I shiver. 

"Ni where are we exactly?" I asked 

"Secret" he said 

"Come on Ni please?" I said 

"Nope" he said 

As I walked he was guiding me he was holding my waist as we walked. 

"Okay are you ready?" he asked 

"Yes!" I said 

He unwrapped the cloth as I adjusted to the light we were at a cliff sightseeing the city there was a picnic placed on it a bucket with champagne and two glasses. The sky was shinning full of stars that I can't even count he left his car door open as Thinking Out Loud was playing he doesn't know how I really loved this simple yet cheesy dates. 

I thought that's already our date at the diner. 

"It's not much of what it is?" he said scratching the back of his neck

"Oh Ni" I said attacking his lips with mine as I felt tears stream down my face 

"Please don't cry" he said through the kiss as we pulled apart 

"You don't know how happy I am you don't know how these thigns makes me happy" I said gesturing the place 

"Well I can't think of a date which a kind of guy like you would like since I know that you've been to fancy restaurants" he said 

How can someone like him makes me so happy in a second while I was angry at hime earlier? He really just gives the best of me. 

We sat at the picnic cloth as he pulls out a spaghetti with meat balls out of the basket. 

"Hmmm?" I said raising an eybrow at him 

"Well I tried cooking this you know your the first person I went through out all of this" he said 

"Well then it's my pleasure" I said 

"Mij I'm really sorry back there at the diner-"he said I cutted him off by putting my index finger on his mouth silencing him 

"It's okay I guess I'm just easily drunken with jealousy" I said as I felt my face flushes

"You know you can be scary and cute at the same time when your jealous" he said 

"But mostly cute" he said smirking 

"Hey I can be scary if I wanted to" I said pouting 

"Nope simply cute" he said 

We started eating the spaghetti he made for his first time I was quickly surprised that his spaghetti was delicious and yeah I don't cook but still this is the best spaghetti I have ever tasted. 

"So how's the spaghetti?" he asked 

"It's delicious Ni seriously" I said 

"Well maybe you can cook for me?" he asked 

"Well you know that's the problem I can't cook hell I might even burn a simple sunny side up" I said feeling embarassed as I looked at my lap 

"Hey" he said tilting my head up as we stare at each other 

"Everything you'll cook as long as you make it with the heart I'll eat it" he said 

I felt butterflies errupt my stomache and I never felt this on my past dates or on my ex's 

"Your so cheesy you know that?" I said 

"Yes but I'm your cheesy" he said as I chuckled 

Once we were done eating we sat up on the cliff my back on his chest him hugging from my back his hand on my stomache as I place my hands were his are laying his chin on my shoulder. 

"Ni you know I never thought you'll really like me? Since you just talked to me about the dare" I said 

"Well that's just the beginning it started on the dare but you know I fell for you deeper that the things you do interests me" he said as I sigh happily 

"Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars" he sang 

"You know for the player type of guy I never expected you to be like this" I said 

"Well I don't really know what happened to me" he said 

"Well I can make the bad guys good for the weekend" I said as he chuckled 

"Peaople fall in love in mysterious ways" he sang as I hum with him 

I just wanted to be like this every night no worries, no fights, no problems just me and him. But I know life isn't just filled with rainbows that it will just let you be happy forever. 

"Baby we found love right where we are" I said 

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