Chapter 29

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Niall's POV 

It was Prom night and I'm really excited for it. As I was getting dressed the theme for our prom was Masquerade and I was wearing a black mask that covers half my face. Mij didn't tell me what he was wearing so it will be hard to find him on the crowd tonigh. 

I was finished getting dressed. I was wearing a white buttoned up long sleep, black dress pants and black tux and black leather shoes. When my Mum knocked on the door. 

"Hey Ni are you ready?" she asked 

"Yeah" I said 

I quickly pecked her on the cheeks as I ran downstairs to my car and got in. I drove to school as I tap happily on the steering wheel think of what will happen tonight. Everyone says that prom was the perfect even for every junior and senior. 

As I arrived at the school I quickly parked it on the schools parking lot. As I saw Zayn and Louis got out of their cars Eleanor was with Louis. It saddens me that Louis and Harry have to ended that way. I walked towards them as Zayn and Louis puts their masks on. 

"Ready boys?" I asked them 

As they all nodded at me we went inside the gym was really done well as me and the lads took a seat. I kept glancing around to find him as also Zayn to find Liam. But no luck we still haven't found them since all of the people here are wearing masks. As we heard someone tapped the mic all of our attentions turned to our principal who was announcing it was time to dance. 

So the dance was a mystery as to you will switch partners every time. You can talk to them except to who they were the masks were only allowed to be taken off at exactly 12 midnight. 

The music started as I recognized it was Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding. I remembered Mij likes her because of her genre. I think it was powerhouse if I'm right my first partner was a girl wearing all gold color as she started to flirt with as I flirted back. And then the same process goes on and on and I was getting bored. And I quickly went back to my seat as I walked towards the buffet to grab some drinks. 

"Where's you date mate?" I heard Zayn from my back 

I turned around as I saw him he has Liam attached to him 

"I don't know Liam where is he?" I asked Liam 

"You have to fin him though he's been dancing on the circle yah know?" he said grinning 

I turned around as to my luck half of the people dancing adncing on the circle with partners some of them were partners with boys also so it's really for me to find him too. I sat my drink on the buffet table as I tap someone's shoulder to ask them kindly if they want a sub. And to my pleasure they agreed and kept dancing again. I was thinking how will I find him thoughas I glance to my left and right. It's hard to find him though. 

At the moment swe switched partners again the boy in front of me smiled at me. As I raised an eyebrow. 

"Um hi?" I said more like a question 

He just nodded at me as we danced. He was wearing a black button up, white tux, white dress pants and white leather shoes and a white mask white two feathers stuck on it right side. 

"I was just wondering why are you smiling like that do I know you?" I asked as he nodded 

Hmmm who might this boy be? As the music stopped and I haven't noticed that it was already time to pull off the masks. As the boy who's infront of me took off his mask. I was shocked that I haven't noticed it was him. As I took off mine. 

"You didn't notice me don't you?" he said 

"No sorry" I said as I leaned towards him and pecked his lips 

'Alright everyone now that your masks are off you can dance with ecry person you would like" the principal announced 

I bowed infront of him as I placed one hand to my back and the other to gesture his. 

"Would you may kind sir?" I asked trying to sound posh but failling 

"It would be my honor" he said as I take his hand 

I placed my hand on his waist while his hand on my shoulder and our other hands holding. We kept swirling around as I turned him around. Now his back was against my chest both my hands on his waist. As I placed my head on his shoulder kissing his cheeks as I felt him blush. 

"Love me like youd" he sang as I turned him around as he turned back to me. 

He was now facing me as he leaned towards me and I inititaated the kiss. The kiss I've never felt before. The kiss that he's the only one with I experienced. The kiss with no lust just pure love and passion. 

He may let me set the pain 'cause sometimes he doesn't clearly think straight. But I love him for that, he's the one that I think I learned more about love. The one who'll be with me forever. Giving me hope, never bores me yet intrigues with his different shades. He's like my Christian Grey yet with an essence of innocence. 

And this night was perfect.

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