Chapter 24

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Mijo's POV 

As I was getting dressed for our dinner meeting I was nervous about Grandpa encountering Niall will he be cruel? I know grandpa since on my past relationships and the only guys he likes was Ashton even though he doesn't know that me and Ashton has something on the past. 

I ran downstairs and entered the living room scrolling through my phone when I heard the maid talked to someone on the door I walked towards them as I saw Niall he was just wearing black skinny jeans, a plain white shirt and his white Supras. As I walked towards him. 

"Hi babe" he said 

"Hi bae" I said as I leaned towards him and pecked him 

I hugged him but something was different on it. He smells good he doesn't use perfumes he says he doesn't use those. Especially on this perfume it's a girls type of perfume he doesn't put on girl perfumes.

"What's wrong?" he asked pulling back after the hug

"Nothing" I said as I put the thought at the back of my mind 

"Master dinner is served" the maid said 

I nodded as answer to her as I walked towards the dinning room followed by Niall. Grandfather was sitting on the other end of the table as me and Niall took a seat from his right Liam on the left. 

"So Niall? Is it?" grandpa asked 

"Yes sir" Niall said 

"Call me Mace" grandpa said 

"Mace nice to meet you" Niall said 

As the maids came to the dinning room carrying trays dinner was served with different types of pasta. 

"So Niall what will you be getting on college?" grandpa asked 

"Oh um I'm trying to get Sound Engineer sir" Niall said 

"Hmm" he said picking up his food 

Grandpa please don't be stubborn and bear with me. I though to myself. Grandpa's always strict on the boys I date especially to me and Liam since we're the youngest on his grandchilcren. 

"So what brings you here sir?" Niall asked 

"Oh I was just here for a couple days fixing some businesses and to bond with my two loving grandchildren" grandpa said 

"So how did you two meet?" grandpa asked 

"Oh well um I was practicing on our school's football field as he caught my attention and that's where I got interest on him" Niall said 

I was glad that the tension lightened on the room as me and Liam kept our silence. 

"Well how fascinating isn't it?" grandpa asked 

"Yes sir" Niall said 

"Well for sure you already know I'm looking for the quite standards for Mij's boyfriends?" grandpa said 

Oh no please no grandpa not this again. 

"What do you mean sir?" Niall asked 

"Well as you can see of all Mij's long list-" I cutted grandpa of as I looked him in the eyes glaring almost

"As you can see we are quite living on to the different worlds and for sure you know that my grandson lives in a different kind of life" grandpa said 

I was thankful that grandpa didn't tell my secret. 

"Yes sir I know that" Niall said 

"And my grandson would be working on our company and to practice to be the next CEO of the company" grandpa said 

Okay where is he going on with this? 

"Yes sir I can see that" Niall said 

"And not to be rude but I don't think you two can match" grandpa said 

"Grandpa!' I said almost shouting 

"Now young man sit" grandpa said 

"I'm sorry sir what do you mean you don't think that the two of us can be match?" Niall asked 

"Dear boy when your in a relationship it just doesn't involve all about the love can you sustain his needs?" grandpa asked I mentally slapped my face on that 

"Grandpa he's just my boyfriend we're not getting married jeez" I said 

"Now young man I want you to watch your tone" grandpa said 

I stood up as Niall followed me to the garage. 

"Ni I'm sorry grandpa didn't mean that" I said sadly 

"Didn't mean what? That he's right if we ever get married that I can't sustain you?" Niall said through gritted teeth 

"Ni please can you just bear wioth me on this?" I said 

"Whatever" he said as he got inside his car 

"Text me when you got home" I said as he just nodded not looking me but on the road  

I quickly stormed to the dinning room as I saw Liam was the only one left on the table. 

"Where's grandpa?" I asked 

"Probably on his room he's leaving tonight though" Liam said 

I quickly walked upstairs to my grandpa's room to see him fully dressed ready to go. 

"Gradnpa why did you that?" I said sternly 

"Do what?" he said 

"You embarassed him. My boyfriend" I said 

"I was just protecting you love" he said 

"Protecting me on what?" I said 

"Through gold diggers like him you know I never thought you would like those kind of guys your recent boyfriends weren't like him their rich like us not like him some gold digger" grandpa said 

"He's not a gold digger" I said 

"Oh really well maybe I can believe that but can you explain my does he have a hickey on his left side of the jaw?" he asked 

That caught me off guard. 

"A hickey?" I said 

"Yes well you probably didn't saw it since your blinded because of love and don't tell me you gave him that 'cause that hickey still looked fresh" he said 

I stood there spacing out. 

"Mij why do you always have to go with the players?" grandpa suddenly asked taking me off gurad again 

"I don't know it's like a syndrome I guess I always fell in love with the players" I said fighting the tears 

Grandpa walked towards me and hugged me tighlty kissing my head. 

"There, there" he said 

"I'll go talk to him tomorrow" I said hugging him back 

"Sure and if I'm right about that I'll-" I cutted him again 

"I'll handle that grandpa you know me" I said 

"That's my boy" he said 

We both pulled back away as I lead him to the garage his driver waiting for him. 

"Bye Grandpa" I said waving at him 

"Bye love you son" he said 

"Love you too" I said as they zoomed out of the garage 

Now I'll just have to see for myself that freaking hickey.

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