Chapter 19

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Niall's POV 

I was strolling my new car around the streets of Cheshire when my phone rang and as I look at the caller's ID to see Liam as I answered it. 

"Hey Li" I said 

"Hey Niall are you with Mij?" he asked 

"No shouldn't he be there?" I asked 

"No I went to his room this morning he wasn't here and I asked the maids and they told me some guy with blonde hair and blue eyes picked him up" Liam said 

"But I haven't went there yet Li" I said 

"I'll call the other lads and ask for them" I said 

"Okay Niall thanks" Liam said as I hung up 

I quickly stopped the car infront of a diner and went inside once I ordered what I wanted to eat I pulled out my phone of my pocket and scrolled through the contacts and quickly call Mijo. 

It just kep ringing voice message after another I sent him almost 50 text messages and 20 missed calls. As my food was served I kep thinking a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes just like me I remembered any guy that has the same thing as me I quickly remembered the boy with the lip ring that was painted on Mij's hallway to his painting room. I quickly called Liam. 

"Liam do you know who's the boy in the painting that's been hung on the hallway to Mij's painting room?" I asked 

"Shoot!" Liam said 

"Li why? What wrong?" I asked panicking 

"I'll call you later Ni" he said before I could say anything the line went dead

I quickly finished my meal and paid for it as I got out of the diner and hopped in to my car I called Mij again after the second ring I was thankful he picked it up. 

"Hey Ni" he said 

"Where the heck are you?" I asked yelling 

"Oh um I'm with Luke" he said 

"Who's Luke?" I asked 

"I'll talk to you later Ni" he said before I could say anything he hung up

I throw my phone on the passenger seat as I quickly drive and went home. Who the fuck is Luke? Is he a threat? No. Why would Mij went out with his ex no he won't as I went back to my place I noticed Mum's car was not in the driveway so she must be on work already. As I parked my car I quickly went inside the house and showered as the warm water calmed me. 

Why do I feel something's not right. I shook the thought out of my head he's probably a friend a friend that I don't know since his maid told me he was just a friend when I first went there but why didn't he even tell me or Liam he was going out with Luke? I think I'm being a little paranoid. 

As I was finished taking a bath I quickly dressed and wore a short tan colored and my white Ramones shirt and went back out and drive to Mij's place. As I parked through the garage I knock on the back door as a maid open the door and stepped aside. 

"Is Mij already here?" I asked hoping he's already here 

"Yes sir he's with Master Hemmings" she said as she closed the door. 

"Master Hemmings?" I asked 

"Mr. Luke sir" she said 

"Oh" I said 

"They are at the pool sir" she said 

As I quickly say thanks I ran to the other door for the back passed the garden to see Mij sitting on a bench near the pool and a guy with blonde hair on the pool while his arms are on the bars of the pool his chin on his arms while looking at Mij. I walked towards Mij. 

"Hi" I said sarcastically 

"Hi Niall. Niall this is Luke. Luke this is Niall" he says 

"Hi mate" he said with his thick Australian accent another Aussie? 

"Hey" I said 

As I felt the tension on the surrounding Luke quickly got out of the water as he stood he was hovering over me for a teenager like Mij's age he was too tall. 

"Well Mij I gotta go see you next time" he says 

"Okay bye Luke let Miranda help you" he said as a maid quickly went and gave a towel to Luke 

"Bye Mij" Luke said as he walked to the door 

I sat on the other side of the bench and Mij faced me smiling. 

"Who is he?" I asked 

His smile turned into a frown. 

"Oh um Ni I think you should know" he said looking back at the pool 

"What should I know Mij?" I asked getting annoyed 

"Luke's my ex" he said 

"What!?!" I asked shocked 

"Niall please calm down" he said standing up

"How can I calm down you were just with your ex and for what God knows you two been doing" I said as blood rushed in my veins 

"Niall we're just friends now" he said calmly 

"Oh really then why haven't you said to Liam or to me that you were going out with him? For fuck sakes Mij I'm you boyfriend now!" I said 

"It was just a sudden Ni and I know your my boyfriend now! Are you still judging me or even accusing me for cheating? 'Cause I would never do that to you Ni" he said hurt sounded in his voice 

"I'm sorry Mij it's just that the thought you were hanging out with you exes kills me" I said as I hugged him 

"I know I should have texted you though" he said as he burries his face on my chest 

"I'm sorry baby" I said 

"Me too Ni" he said 

"I love you" he said I was taken back by that because I haven't said that in many years being a player I haven't gotten to committed to anyone

"You don't have to say it back if you can't" he said 

"No. I love you to Mij" I said 

I tilted his chin up so he can face me as I leaned forward and crashed my lips to his butterflies errupted in my stomache I still can't get used to this haven't I? I think this boy would be the death of me he has the magic on my veins.

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