Chapter 26

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Niall's POV 

As the love of my life sprung out of my room I was stood there in my room staring at nothing. Would I ever change? Will he take me back? Will he give me a second chance? I don't even know my self anymore. This shouldn't take me 'cause I was suppose to be used to this but he was different. 

My Mum entered my room as I look at her sympathy on her eyes. 

"You did it again Ni? Didn't you?" she said 

"Mum I'm so stupid!" I said as I placed both my hands on my face 

"Why are you doing this Niall?" she asked 

"Doin what Mum?" I asked 

She scoffed "Doing this? I didn't teach you to play with other peoples heart but here you are playing with them" she said 

"I don't know Mum" I said looking at my feet 

She sighed "Niall do you like him?" she asked 

"Yes" I said 

"Then go" she said 

I looked up at her raising an eyebrow at her "Huh?" I asked dumbfounded 

"Go follow him and explain to him" she said 

"But Mum I was explaining to him earlier but he won't give me a chance" I said 

"Honey you just have to let his steam go plus it's your fault so you nhave to double the effort" she said 

"Thanks Mum" I said 

"You know amongst to all the boys and girls you brought home he's the politest I found" she said 

"Thanks Mum and I know I can't find anyone like him ever" I said 

"Yeah? Now go get your man" she said 

I nodded as she walked out of my room and closed the door as I sprang to the bathroom and took a shower once I finished showering I quickly dressed. Wearing basketball shorts, My favorite white supras and a white tank top. I ran downstairs as I peck my Mum on the cheeks as I ran to the bowl near the door to get my keys as she shouted 'Bring him home okay?' as I replied an 'Okay'. 

I hopped on my car as I started the car as I remember he gave this to me on my birthday no one can replace the kindness he has. Heck I still hate my self for cheating on him 'cause he was too good for me. He was rich while I was like a rag to him yet he loves me. 

He accepted me even though he knows I can hurt him and now I hurted him and I want him back. 

As the gates to his mansion opened instantly to me I quickly drove to their garage and parked my car. As I hopped out of the car I ghear crashing on the garage I glanced around to look where the noise was coming from as I heard sobs were also heard. I waled where the sound was coming from and the sight made my heart ache. 

He was there sitting beside his Mustang that was identical to mine but with the color black. The windows on the fron smashed the plate of the car that has the written 'HIS' broken the hood smashed on the middle the roof was also the same. 

As he cried his knees covering his face as I heard sobs coming from him I walked towards him I croushed at his level as I spread his knees I saw his eyes redder than blood. The sight made my heart ache more. As he scooted far away from me. 

"What do you want Niall?" he asked trying to stop his sobs 

"Mij I'm so sorry" I said 

"You don't have to" he said as he stood up as I did the same 

"Mij please here me out" I said 

"Here you out? Niall it's copmletely clear, clear as a champagne" he said 

I stood there no words coming from my mouth. 

"Was I never really good enough for anyone" he said more talkign to his self 

"Mij actually you're too good for me" I said as I tried to hug him but he placed his other hand on my chest stopping me 

"So you thought you could find an another one? That's just enough for you?" he said 

"No Mij it's just that-" I was cutted off 

"It's just that I was boring you right Niall?" he said 

"You know I'm fine with you cheating. But cheating me over a girl that's what hurts the most Niall!" he whispered yelled 

As he slide down again on the car. 

I scooted closer to him again. 

"Please Mij just give me a second chance and I promise I won't fuck up ever again" I said 

His sobs turned down as I felt him calmed. 

"Promise?" he said 

"Promise" I said 

He hugged me his hands on the back of my neck, his face on the crook of my neck. As I rubbed circles on his back. We were there sitting comforting each other as I realized the car situation we have here. 

"Mij what are we going to do on the car?" I asked 

He pulled slightly away as I saw him smiling. 

"Never mind that I'll just call someone to fix it" he said 

I leaned forward to him as he leaned also I initiated the kiss. His lips salty from his tears but never mind that the kiss was full of love and passion no tongues just a sweet kiss. A kiss which means he forgives me. 

"Thank you" I whispered between the kiss 

"For what?" he asked pulling back a little 

"For giving me a second chance" I said 

"Your welcome then" he said 

I kissed him again I was happy that he gave me a second chance and I got him back instantly I would never ruin his trust anymore. I hope so.

Love Is War  (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now