Chapter 3

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Mijo's POV 

As I kept sanging Lorde's Yellow Flicker Beat I sensed an another aura entered in the room. This aura was nothing to compare to my maids at the mansion or my friends. As I pulled out my earphones I looked up at the person beside me sensing his aura and then my eyes widened I didn't expect him to be already here I looked down at the piano again. 

"H-hi" I said stuttering 

"Hey you said you can't sing?" he said 

"Yeah I can't" I said as I felt blood rush through my cheeks 

"Well you sang pretty dang well" he said chuckling 

My heart fluttered as he chuckled and compliments me. 

"Really?" I asked looking up at him 

"Yeah" he said 

"Thanks" I said 

"Oh by the way I came here to start our project" he said 

"So what do you wanna sing?" I asked 

"Hmmm I'm not really sure though what about you? What do you wanna sing?" he asked 

"Nothing" I said as I looked back down at the piano again 

I felt the chair beside me dipped as I took a short glance at my side to see him sitting next to me. 

"But you sang well yah know?" he said 

"No I really am not" I said 

"You really did" he said smiling at me 

"What are you singing by the way?" he asked 

"Um Yellow Flicker Beat" I said 

"By who?" he asked 

"By Lorde" I said 

"Oh" he said 

"Why?" I asked 

"Nothing it's just that I didn't thought you like her songs" he said 

"Yeah well they're full of meanings on how about the world around us revolves in vain" I said 

"Hmm?" he said looking at me raising an eyebrow 

"Nothing so what do you wanna sing?" I asked to change the subject 

"Um as long as your okay with it can we sing Burn?" he asked 

"By Ellie Goulding?" I asked 

"Yeah why?" he asked 

"Nothing but we can't reach her voice yah know? She's a power house" I said 

"Really?" he said 

"Yeah" I said 

While we kept talking and talking about the project I haven't notice the time until someone knocked on the door. As my personnal amid comes in Cristle. 

"Master Miguel your cousin sir Liam is here should I send him in?" she asked 

"Yeah" I said 

As she walked out of the room and close the door. 

"I didn't thought you and Liam were cousins?" Niall said 

"Well we really don't look a like yah know?" I said 

"Right" he said as he pulled his phone out and typed something in it Liam came in. 

"Hey Mij- woah what is he doing here?" Liam said raising an eyebrow 

"We're doing the project for next week Li" I said 

"Oh okay can I talk to you in your room now" he said sternly 

"Sure. Um Niall can you wait for me here?" I said 

"Sure" Niall said 

I stood up from the chair and followed Liam to the stairs and quickly followed him to my room. Once we got in I sat on the end of my king size bed as for him he pulled out a chair and sat on it sitting across from him. 

"So?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him 

"So I was just wondering? Are you crazy!!!" he said 

"What? Why?" I asked 

"For letting him here you know he's a player and I know you like him so much but please don't make a fool at yourself Mij" he said 

"You know I like the players and they loved the game" I said smirking at myself 

"Ugh! I'm serious here Mij" he said 

"I know but you know I love him" I said 

His eyes widened "What? Last time you said you 'like' him now you 'love him?" he said air quotting like and love 

"I know Li but is it hard to understand that I really love him?" I asked 

"I don't know Mij but please tell me you won't fall for him we both know he's just playing with you tell me you want be a fool for him?" he said 

"I can't promise those Li especially when I already had a chance at this time" I said 

"Ugh! Why can't you like someone else?" he said 

"Like who?" I asked 

"Like someone who can love you truly not playfully" he said 

"Li can you just let me deal with this first?" I said getting annoyed 

"Sure but tell me soon when he hurts you" he said 

"Alright father" I said 

"Yeah whatever I'll be heading downstairs now to eat dinner why won't you let him eat here" he said 

"Sure that's a great plan" I said 

As we walked out of my room I walked back to the music room entering as I see him looking at the guitars hanging on the wall. 

"Hey wanna eat dinner?" I asked 

He turned around to look at me "Sure" he said 

I gestured for him to follow me as we walked to the dinning room. I felt him strucked by how big was the mansion was. 

"You didn't told me either your real name was Miguel" he said 

"You didn't ask either" I said 

We entered the room as I took a sit next to Liam at the long table food was served already as Niall sat across from me. I felt Liam glared at Niall if looks could kill he could have died now. We started to eat as I ate my favorite dish carbonara. As the maids serve Niall a spaghetti and we took champagne. 

"So who do you live here with Mij?" Ni said 

"Um Liam always sleeps here" I said 

"Um where are your parents by the way?" he saked 

As soon as those left from his mouth I couldn't help but too fight the tears daring to fall from my eyes I can't cry infront of him not yet. I can't just let my walls tumble down easily just like that no but why did that question amongst of all he had to ask why?

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