Chapter 8

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Niall's POV  

"Bitterness?" I asked raising my eyebrow at the two hugging 

They pulled apart as Taylor took a look at me from my head to toe. 

"So who's this Mij?" she asked gesturing to me 

"Oh where are my manners Niall this is Taylor my friend. Taylor this is Niall my um-" I cutted him 

"His 'thing'" I said 

"Thing?" she raisied an eyebrow

"So you two aren't yet officialy in a relationship?" she said turning to look at Mijo 

"Um no" he said 

"Well you really catch the charmer ones huh Mij?" she said nudging him on the elbow

"Not really" he said 

"Well Mij I was hoping if I could stay the night here?" she said 

"Sure Tay it's been a long time since we've been hang around" he said 

"Great!" she said hugging him 

"Well we better get inside" he said 

All of us got inside the mansion into the living room as Taylor brought her luggage. 

"I really can't believe this you still like wearing black things?'' she said

"You know me well don't you?" he said chuckling 

"Yup" she said popping the 'p' 

"Well what do you wanna do Tay?" he asked 

"I don't know really what about your 'thing' what does he wanna do?" she said looking at me 

"Um I'll just go with whatever you're going to do" I said 

"Great Mij can we go to your music room I missed singing with you" she said 

''Fine" he said sighing in defeat 

"What's the matter I thought you like singing?" she asked 

"You know I stopped singing when I was ten" he said 

"Well then why don't we just drive in the roads of London huh? Does that sound good?" she said 

"Even better" he said 

"Ni can you get my Shelby Cobra on the garage the mint green colored one" he said throwing the keys at me as I catch them 

"Mint Green?" I asked raising an eyebrow 

"Yeah why?" he asked 

"Nothing I just thought it was gonna be a color black one since you like that color" I said 

"No! I like minty green also now go while I show Taylor her room" he said 

"Okay" I said jogging towards the garage 

As the maids open the garage my jaw literally dropped again he must have 20 different cars in the garage. As I looked for his Shelby Cobra I opened the door and drive it to the front. 

He and Taylor got out of the mansion as he sat in the passenger seat besides me whil Taylor sat at the back. 

"So where to now?" I asked 

"Let's go to the mall shall we?" she said 

"Sure" he said 

As we drove to the mall and I parked his car fans mobbed around us. As we tried to get away and got back to the car. 

"Sheesh can't I just have a break?" she said 

"Well that's what you get Tay" he said 

"So where do you want to go now?" I asked 

"How about Nandos?" he said 

"Really?" I said 

"Yeah why do you love Nandos?" he said 

"Yeah" I said 

As we drove to the restaurant we were thankful that there were just some people eating around as the waiter escorted as to a hidden table. 

"I'll go to the loo first" he said standing up as he walked towards the loo 

"So Niall what do you like about him?" she asked 

"Well um he interest me he's unique among to the girls and guys I've dated" I said 

"Hmmm so he got a player again didn't he?" she said 

I raised an eyebrow while she was tracing patterns on the table cloth. 

"What do you mean again?" I asked 

"He likes the player type but know this once you break his heart! I'll literally stabbed you using a rake" she said sternly 

"But we aren't even together yet" I said 

"Yeah I know just saying if you two got there" she said 

"Okay but why are you so protective on him?" I asked 

"He's like my little brother yah know?" she said 

"Okay" I said 

"Plus you won't like him if you pushed him to edge" she said 

"What do you mean?" I asked 

"Trust me you won't like him when you did that just in case you two got together" she said 

"Plus I know the type of boys like you, you think you can get into his pants sorry to ruin your game player he's a decent one he might go for the players but he an innocent one" she said 

''I'm not that kind of player" I said 

"Oh really? Hmmm let's just see" she said 

As Mij came back and we ordered our foods as the three of us talked more about each other. What does she mean that I shouldn't push him on the edge? The other side of him? I thought I already did see his other side the one with a light that I though he doesn't smile. That his laugh was also contagious.

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