Chapter 7

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Niall's POV 

It's Monday morning as I got out of my car and went inside the school hoping to see the mysterious boy that I learned to like but apparently I didn't saw him. As I walk towards my locker Zayn and Louis appeared. 

"So mate how was it?" Zayn said opening his locker besides me 

"I think I already won" I said 

He turned and looked at me eyes widened. 

"What?" he and Louis said 

"Well you see apparently he knows the game" I said 

"How?" they said again in unison 

"I don't really know mate but he reads me like a book yah know?" I said getting the things I will be needing from my locker 

"Well that's creepy yah know" Louis said 

"Yeah but I like him though" I said 

"Well well looks like he really caught your interest huh?" Zayn said 

"Yeah" I said 

As the three of us walked to our first class period which is Math I saw Harry and Liam at the back but there was no sign of Mijo I walked towards Liam. 

"Liam where is he?" I asked 

"Where is who?" he asked raising an eyebrow 

"Where's Mij?" I said 

"Oh him he's at the mansion he's staying for our friend she's filming a music video and she's using the mansion as the venue" he said 

"Okay" I said 

As I walked towards my seat I noticed Louis and Zayn were keep glancing at Harry and Liam and vice versa. Did something happened this weekend that I should've know? As our class starts times seems like to slow to walk. I kept glancing at the clock every minute hoping that the bell wil ring already. But the world hates me so much it didn't . 

It was lunch already as I walked towards the cafeteria as I saw Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis were seated together. Well there's something going on about here. I walked towards them as I took a seat next to Zayn. 

I raised an eyebrow "So not to be rude but why are you two sitting with us?" I said 

"Well I invited Harry and Zayn invited Liam" Louis said 

"Well something really happened this weekend" I said 

As I glanced at all of them cheeks were red. There's something going on here and it's really obvious we ate in an awkward silence as I kept thinking about him. As the bell rang signalling lunch was over I ran to my locker as I toss my books inside of it and grab my bag. And walked towards the parking lot I'll just skip class today it's just a one time. 

I drove to his place as I see vans were parked infor of their house and even beside the fountain. I got out of the car as I knocked on the door their maid opened. 

"Good afternoon Mr. Horan is Master expecting you?" she said 

"Um no but I wanted to see him" I said 

"Oh he's at the painting room come follow me" she said 

I followed her through the right stair and we walked to the halls as we walked at the long hallways I noticed paintings were hanged on the walls all of them guys wearing tux. 

"Um may I ask who are these guys on the painting?" I asked 

She stopped as I felt her tense on my question she turned around and smile at me. 

"Well they were the Masters friends" she said 

She turned around and walked again as I followed her we stopped at the end of the long hallway on a black two sided door she knocked. 

"Master Mr. Horan is here" she said 

"Let him in: we heard coming from the other side of the door 

She opened the door for me as I stepped in side as she closed the door behind my back I turned around and looked at the scenery around the room. I saw him wearing all black a baggy shirt and baggy PJ's wearing a black apron while he paints something that was turned it's back on my view. 

"Hey" I said 

"Hey" he looks at me as he puts the brush aside 

"So what brings you here? Don't you have classes?" he said 

"I was just gonna ask the same thing yah know?" I said 

"Well my friend's using the house for her new music video so I stayed here for her to accompany her and to do this painting" he said 

I walked towards him and glanced at what he is painting a guy wearing a blakc tux hair was quiffed at the side. 

"So who's your friend making a music video here?" I asked 

"Oh Taylor" he said 

"What Taylor?!? As in Taylor Swift?" I said eyes widened 

"Yeah" he chuckled 

"Wow where are they?" I asked 

"They're at the back riding the horses for the vid" he said 

"Can we go?" I asked 

"Sure let me just finished this" he said 

As he finished his painting we walked out of the painting room and went down the stairs then went to the back I saw Taylor riding a white horse with a guy on a another horse and saw him and the painting. He really looks like the guy on the painting. Mij's really artistic. 

As they were finsihed the crew and Taylor went to the front side of the mansion as we followed I saw a Shelby Cobra that car was awesome and she was holding a golf club. Curiously what is she gonna do with that as she walks toward a car and smashes the car hitting with the gold club. My eyes widened that car's expensive just to be smashed! 

I heard someone chuckle "What? Is this the first time you saw someone smashing a car?" Mijo said 

"Yeah I mean we don't get cars like we can just pick them up at the street. Plus that's a Shelby Cobra" I said 

"Well it doesn't matter to me yeah know since I hated that car" he said 

"Wait what?! That car belongs to you?" I asked 

"Yeah" he said 

As we watched every scenes they were doing I came to the conclusion that Taylor really might be insane. But she's a friend of Mij which makes me confused about it. 

They were done doing the clip as Taylor walked towards us and Mij. 

"Thanks Mij" she said hugging him 

"No prob Tay" he said 

"I feel sorry for the car" she said 

"Nah I can just get a new one plus I hated that car" he said 

She shook her head "Bitterness won't solve anything Mij" she said 

What? Bitterness? Is there something I really need to know? First it was at the school how the boys' got to each other very well and they were like teenage girls having a secret crush to each other and now this? Bitterness what does she mean by that?

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