Chapter 18

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Niall's POV 

I was woken up by the sound of the door that someone was knocking. 

"Niall wake up!" my Mum said 

I groan as I close my eyes letting it adjust to the light as I grap a shirt and walked to the living room seeing my Mum sitting on the couch as she sees me she pulls out a box wrapped in a green wrapper. 

"Happy birthday Ni" she said as she hands me the box 

"Mum you woke me up nine in the morning just to give me my present?" I asked rubbing sleep in my eyes 

"Yes honey plus Mijo called earlier he said he wants you there by lunch" she said 

"Oh" I said as I ran upstairs to take a shower and got dressed. 

"He says he wants you to wear something green" she shouts from the living room 

As I quickly got finished showering a dressed up on wearing a white skinny jeans ripped on the knees and wear a plain green shirt and my white supras. As I walked back downstairs Mum was wearing a black dress as I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Where are we going Mum?" I asked 

"To Mij's place love" she said 

As we quickly got out of the house and she locked the door I quickly hopped on the drivers seat as she handed me the keys and I drove us both to Mij's place as we entered their village Mum was literally starstrucked by what she sees. 

"Seriosuly Niall? He lives here?" she asks as she eyes the mansion and the whole scenery 

"Yep Mum" I said 

As I saw cars were parked outside of the mansion as we came forward to the double doors of the mansion a guard halted us. 

"Excuse me sir are you Niall Horan?" the guard asked me 

"Yes sir" I said 

"Oh um just wait here for a moment" he said 

As he talks to someone on his earpiece I quickly glanced at the mansion it's fully decorated with black and white. What did he do? I ask to myself as the guard cuts me from my thoughts. 

"Sir please wait a moment" he says 

As he quickly talks to his earpiece he opens the double doors as light struck me my Mum holding my arm everyone on school was there wearing black and white. Mum was frozen from her seat she wasn't expecting any of this me either as the guard guides us to a set up stage on the front as my Mum stayed by Liam's side and I got on the stage. I glance around looking for Mij. 

"Happy Birthday Niall!" the crowd cheered as I thanked them 

I quickly got down from the stage as I walked towards my Mum smiling at me. 

"Seriously Niall he's quite the catch" she says 

"Yeah I know have you seen him?" I asked 

"No not really I was hoping to see him but Niall I gotta go I have work to do" she said 

"Okay Mum take care" I said as I walked her towards the large double doors and kissed her cheek she pulled out the car out of the mansion gates as the car dissappeared I walked back inside and saw Liam I walked towards him and tapped his shoulder as he turned around. 

"Happy birthday Niall" he said as Zaynwas on his side Harry and Louis also 

"Where's Mij?" I asked 

"Oh um he's up on his room you know how shy he is on a crowd like this" he said 

As I walked towards the stairs to his room I knocked on his door as it opened he was wearing black PJ's and a black shirt of course he always wear black I huffed. 

"Why aren't you down there?" I asked 

"Happy birthday Ni" he said 

"Mij why aren't you down there?" I asked 

"I don't wanna" he said 

"Why? Are you shy?" I asked as he nod 

I quickly walk to walk in closet pulling out a white ramones shirt raising an eyebrow I haven't seen him wearing something white as I picked up also a white skinny jeans ripped on the knees and white vans. I went back to his room giving him the clothes I picked as he eyes it hesitating but grabs the clothes as he went to his bathroom and change. 

"Are you done yet?" I asked 

"Yeah" he said 

I hear the bathroom doors opening as I turned around he looks good on those as I cupped his cheek and pecks him on the lips. 

"You. Are. So. Cute" I said in every peck 

He blushes as I grabbed his hand and we walked dowanstairs now that there's only half of the crowd some leaving already I turned around again to look at him in the eyes. 

"Thank you so much this is the best birthday gift ever" I said 

"Oh but my gift is at the garage" he said 

"Huh? Mij tell me you didn't bought me a car" I said sternly I don't want him spending money on me 

"But Niall I insist" he said as he pulls me toward the door for the garage pressing buttons so that the door may open. 

He pulls out a key on his wallet as we walked to a car wrapped up in green wrapper. How much did the people put effort on wrapping this car. 

"You go rip the wrappers" he said as I walked towards the car I ripped the wrapper 

My jaw fell to the ground eyes popping. 

"I-is this a-" he cutted me off 

"It's a Shelby GT500 and it's your favorite color right?" he asks 

"But Mij how did you get it? It's not even on the market?" I asks still looking at the car 

"My grandfather has connections Niall" he said 

"Mij this is too much" I said actually way too much 

"Niall I nsist" he says 

"Thank you so much Mij" I said 

"Would you look to take it on a test?" he asks 

As he gives me the keys and he flicks a switch to open his harage the doors we guickly got inside as I saw a plate sign with "HIS" 

"You can put that if you like" he says flushing 

"Of course I would actually I loved to" I said 

As I took on a test this car is incredibly awesome as he plugs his Iphone and Problem by Ariana Grande started I glance at him and raised an eyebrow smirking 

"Sorry she's a guilty pleasure of mine" he said 

"But I thought I was your guilty pleasure?" I asked joking 

"And you of course" he said

Can this day get any better?

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