Chapter 11

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Niall's POV 

After our perfomance last night me and the boys including Mijo went to the pub he insisted on coming since he was not use socializing but I pleaded him to come and give him my best puppy eyes look. We were now at the pub. 

"Guys who wants shots?" Zayn asked 

"I'll have"

"Me too" 

"Me three" 

"Of course I'll have" 

All of us said except for Mijo. 

"Hey don't you want to drink?" I asked Mijo 

"No thanks I'm not much of a drinker" he said 

He was still wearing what he wore after our performance and he was rather looking cute especially wearing those cute cat ears as he wore his nerdy big glasses. 

"You know you really looked cute also" I said 

"Thanks" he said looking at his lap as I felt his cheeks turned to beet red

I pulled his face so he can look at me again I gave him a smile as he gave me a smile also the smile that only I can see. 

"Stop staring" he said 

"Why are you so shy suddenly? You were performing earlier like you've already been done that?" I asked 

"I don't know" he said 

"Here guys" Zayn said as he came back and bring our shots 

"You sure you don't want to try?" I asked 

"No plus if we all get drank who would drive us back?" he said 

"Aw come on Mij loosen up" Liam said 

"Liam for the last time I won't okay?" he said glaring at Liam 

"Okay" Liam said 

As the five of us kept drinking he was just there sitting and looking around until he looked at me as he caught me staring at him. As I felt his phone vibrated on his skirt pocket he pulled it out and smiling on the screen. 

"Why are you smiling?" I asked 

"Nothing" he said still smiling on the screen 

"Who's that?" I asked glancing at his phone as he pulled it away from me so I can't see 

"No one important" he said as his phone buzzed again 

"I'll just go out" he said standing from his seat 

"Why?" I asked 

"Jeesh your so overprotective? We haven't been official on a day and your already so overprotective on me?" he said playfully as he walked to the door 

As he go out me and lads kept drinking until it's been an hour he hasn't still came back the Zayn and Louis were already tipsy as I got curious I stood up and walked towards the door. When I got out I couldn't find him so I called him it kept ringing but still he won't answer so I walked to the parking lot where we parked Liam's car he's not even there. 

So I went back to the pub and texted him to where he was as I went to the counter and get a drink I saw a familiar cat ears and walked towards as I hear his laugh yep it's completely him as I tapped his shoulder.he turned around and he smiles. 

"Hey Ni" he said 

"Um why aren't you answering your phone?" I asked 

"Oh sorry I must've put it on silent" he said 

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