Namek Saga: Final battle

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*Everyone stood still, curious about what (Y/N) would do now that he finally achieved what he always wanted to: Become a Super Saiyan. But he was just standing still looking at Frieza with a serious- angry look*

Frieza: (I-I don't believe it! He was clinging on his life by a thread! H-How did this happen?! (Y/N) can't be a Super Saiyan!)

*Frieza's confident expression changed to one of fear and anguish as he gives a few steps back*

Piccolo: It looks like Frieza is indeed afraid of what (Y/N) has become.

Goki: Yeah his power is incredible and the energy he's letting out is menacing... Now I'm sure he will beat Frieza.

*(Y/N) turns to look at Goki and the others*

(Y/N): All of you stand back or you'll be caught in the fire... and trust me when I say it's gonna get ugly.

Goki: G-Guys let's do what he says, follow me!

*Goki and the other fly away getting to a safe area away from the fight between (Y/N) and Frieza*

Frieza: Grrrr! NO! I refuse to believe this! Becoming a blondie doesn't make you stronger than me, (Y/N)! 

(Y/N): I'm not planning to prove that I'm stronger than you, because I already know I am. I'm gonna prove that YOU can be killed by Saiyan hands!

*(Y/N) vanishes and instantly appears in front of Frieza giving him a strong kick in the face which sends him into a mountain destroying it*

*(Y/N) quickly follows where Frieza crashed barely giving him time to recover, Frieza charges against (Y/N), but he stops him by holding both of his fists*

Frieza: You...! You can't be a Super Saiyan, (Y/N)...!

*Frieza pulls away from (Y/N)'s grip and tries to knee him in the chin but (Y/N) easily blocked it with his hand and counters with a ki blast aimed at Frieza's head*

*Frieza moves away from the blast wrapping his tail around (Y/N)'s waist throwing him to the floor. (Y/N) quickly recovers from that and backflips kicking Frieza in the head making him literally go through the floor*

*Before Frieza lands (Y/N) appears in front of him and blasts Frieza making him return to the surface and roll on the ground*

Frieza: C-Curse you, Monkey! I am the emperor of the-!

*Frieza is cut off by (Y/N) who kneed him on the stomach and followed by an uppercut. After the uppercut (Y/N) pointed his fingers at Frieza and blasted him as he did with Cui*

(Y/N): Hm, even you can make dirty fireworks.

*(Y/N) crossed his arms and closed his eyes while the explosion behind him occurred*

Gohan: Woah!

Krillin: Did he do it?!

Piccolo: That'd be too easy, Frieza is still around somewhere.

Goki: He must be planning some kind of evil strategy to attack (Y/N)...

*Frieza rises from the ground behind (Y/N) which he instantly notices*

*Frieza charges against (Y/N) but he reacts and elbows Frieza in the stomach then grabs him by the waist and slams him in the ground*

Goki: Well... never mind then.

Krillin: Frieza is losing ground he must be really desperate...

(Y/N): What's wrong, Frieza?! Can't keep up with my speed now?!

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