Achieving a level beyond Super Saiyan

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*Krillin and Bra were flying towards the area where Piccolo was fighting the mysterious monster*

Bra: We're getting close to where Piccolo is. Why are you flying so slow, Krillin?

Krillin: Sorry about that... I was still thinking about the kiss 18 gave me. Oh! Now that I think about it, 3 years have passed already so that means you're already 18 years old, right?

Bra: *Sighs* You're really desperate, aren't you?

Krillin: N-No... What makes you think that?

Bra: You better hope my dad doesn't find out. Anyway, let's just keep going.

Krillin: R-Right.

*Krillin and Bra speed up until they finally arrive at where Piccolo is and land next to him*

Krillin: Piccolo! You're ok!

???: (Bra?! What's she doing here? She must've used the time machine how very clever of her...)

Bra: So, this thing attacked all those people at Gingertown? You're the one who left the exoskeleton near the time machine, aren't you?

Piccolo: You got that right... I'll fill you in on the details later. First things first, we need to squash this bug.

???: Hmm... now may not be the best time to battle. Very well, but know this! Androids 17 and 18 will be mine! SOLAR FLARE!

*Cells escapes while everyone is blinded*

Krillin: But that's Tien's thing!

Piccolo: I fucking know!

Bra: Damnit! He got away...

Piccolo: I can't get a trace on him...

*Everyone then notices (Y/N) land near them*

Bra: Dad!

(Y/N): Piccolo, what the hell happened here?

Piccolo: Tien's apparently on his way here too... Once he arrives, I'll tell you everything.

(Y/N): At least tell me why are you so strong all of a sudden?

Bra: It looks like he fused with Kami.

(Y/N): That's all it took?! 

Krillin: Hey! Look! Tien's here!

*Once Tien arrives Piccolo explains everything the monster told him*

Tien: I see...

(Y/N): Bra, you still have your time machine, don't you? 

Bra: Yeah, why?

(Y/N): Why don't we all go back in time, find baby Dr.Gero, and you know...

Gero, and you know

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