Shadow Dragons Saga 1/2

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*It's been several years since the defeat of Majin Buu, no threat had shown up, and the Earth was in peace*

*Near a small lake on Mount Paozu, (Y/N) was resting looking at the sky*

(Y/N): (Funny... The planet I once tried to destroy is now my home and the only place that makes me feel at peace)

*(Y/N) gets his thoughts interrupted by a voice calling him*

???: Dad! Dad!

*(Y/N) turns around to look at who's calling him*

*(Y/N) turns around to look at who's calling him*

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(Y/N): What is it, Goten?

Goten: Mom asked me to come to tell you food is ready.

(Y/N): Finally, I'm starving.

*(Y/N) and Goten head back home*

Goten: Mom we're back!

Goki: Welcome back you two! I already served our meal.

(Y/N): Where is Bra?

Goki: She was talking to someone on her phone when I went to get her. She should come in a few moments.

*Goki, Goten, and (Y/N) sit down at the table to eat. After a few minutes Bra arrives but she was still on her phone*

Bra: Tomorrow at 5? Yeah! Sounds good! I live far away but I'll be there on time don't worry!

Goten: My sis has a boyfriend how exciting!

*(Y/N) choked on his food after hearing that*

(Y/N): What?!

Bra: Shhhhh! Huh? N-No I didn't do that to silence you hah hah... Yeah, I'll see you there.

*Bra finally hangs up her phone*

Goten: You're gonna get rejected again.

Bra: Hey! Little kids aren't supposed to say stuff like that!

Goten: I'm not a little kid!

Goki: Both of you stop.

(Y/N): Yeah, there's no point in arguing since you're not going anywhere Bra.

Bra: What?! But why?!

(Y/N): Only a boy that proves to be stronger than me will be worthy of having you.

Bra: B-But there's no boy on Earth that's stronger than you, dad...

(Y/N): Exactly.

Bra: Ugh, come on...

Goten: Hah! You're gonna get rejected without even being there.

Bra: I swear to god, Goten!

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