(Y/N)'s defeat?

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*Krillin and Gohan made it back to the cave along with Dende*

Gohan: Krillin, that's the cave!

Krillin: Hey Bulma, you clean up in there? We have guests.

Dende: Uh I do not think I want to go in there.

Krillin: Hey don't worry that's just Bulma.

Dende: I do not know what this "Bulma" is, but it sounds needy.

*Bulma comes out of the cave*

Bulma: Well, if it isn't Mr. Super Soaker himself! What happened? Got tired of abandoning me and found something else to abandon?

Krillin: Bulma! You're scaring the little green!

Dende: I am still weighing my options...

Bulma: Huh? Who's the pocket-sized Piccolo? What's your name little guy?

Dende: My name's Dende.

Krillin: Little Green sounds better in my opinion.

Bulma: Yeah no one cares about your opinion. Oh I almost forgot! I've got great news from my dad! Goki's on her way here as we speak! She should arrive in about six days! And i heard she's toughening herself up!

Gohan: M-My mom's coming...? YAY!!

Krillin: Finally!

Dende: Who are you all talking about?!


*Six days remained until Goki would arrive on Planet Namek...*

Goki: Phew! I've managed to get my body used to 50x the gravity of Earth, I hope I can make it to a 100x gravity soon!

King Kai: Goki! Can you hear me, Goki...? Wait...

Goki: Huh?

King Kai: Where are you? Are you in space?! Ohhh, that's right! You're heading to Namek! Good luck finding the Dragon Balls!

Goki: Wait a minute, you mean you don't know what's going on? There's some crazy stuff going down on Namek.

King Kai: Crazy stuff? Well, we can talk about that later. I've actually got some guests here with me. In fact, it's four people you know quite well.

Goki: Wait... You mean...

King Kai: They've asked me to train them even harder than I trained you!

*Yamcha puts his hand on King Kai's back so he can communicate with Goki*

Yamcha: Hey, Goki! You hear me? We met up with Kami in the Other World and he told us all about his place.

Goki: You said there's four of them there, right? So, that's Yamcha, Tien.... Wait, is Piccolo there too?!

Piccolo: Hmph. I'm not about to let you be the only one that gets stronger in all of this.

Yamcha: Chiaotzu's here with us too. Kami pulled some strings and let us have our bodies back so we can train here. Pretty cool of him, huh?

Goki: I don't know about you, Tien and Chiaotzu... But if Piccolo gets stronger that's good to hear!

Yamcha: Wha-

Tien: What's that supposed to mean?

Goki: Nothing! just kidding! hah hah hah! I'm doing a bit of training myself on the way to Namek. I had my spaceship customized to simulate 100x gravity for some extra intense training. I have to get stronger in these five days left, if I don't I'm gonna be in some pretty big trouble!

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