Shadow Dragons Saga 2/2

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*(Y/N) had been fighting Nuova Shenron for a while, surprisingly both started to earn respect towards each other as the fight went on both seemed to enjoy their fight. Knowing that Nuova Shenron's heat could be as hot as the sun (Y/N) used the Solar Flare technique that he learned from Goki. After receiving the Solar Flare, Nuova Shenron apparently got knocked out*

(Y/N): Knocked out by a Solar Flare? Maybe you're not as special as I thought you were from the other Dragons... I didn't even need to use my strongest form.

Nuova Shenron: Heh heh. You don't disappoint, do you? All right then no more games...

*Nuova Shenron gets up, yells while powering up, and sheds his skin revealing his true form*

*Nuova Shenron gets up, yells while powering up, and sheds his skin revealing his true form*

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(Y/N): Impressive! So this is your true form I take it?

Nuova Shenron: Yes, you have drawn me out of my shell so to speak. What you see before you is my ultimate fighting form! And now that I've raised the stakes it's your turn, Show me the form you used to defeat all of those previous Dragons.

(Y/N): Well you showed me your true form so it's only fair I show you mine.

*(Y/N) powers up transforming into a Super Saiyan 4*

Nuova Shenron: Finally Super Saiyan 4 has come out. Let's play!

(Y/N): I like your fighting spirit, this might actually be the best fight I've had in years!

*Both (Y/N) and Nuova Shenron fire a beam at each other starting a beam struggle, after a while both beams create a big explosion but it didn't stop the two from charging at each other and start a clash*

*Nuova Shenron threw a flame blast at (Y/N), he dodged it but Nuova took the opportunity to lock (Y/N) from his neck, and flame blast him on the face making him crash on a building*

*(Y/N) recovered and vanished out of the way from Nuova's Flaming Shot, (Y/N) tried to counter-attack but Nuova appeared in front of him, both were pointing their hands at each other*

(Y/N): I'm actually impressed... It didn't take you long to get used to your new form.

Nuova Shenron: It's only new to you.

(Y/N): Okay then, what do you say I show you something new?

*(Y/N) headbutts Nuova pushing him back*

(Y/N): Let's see how you take this one! Final Shine Atta--

*Nuova quickly moves (Y/N)' arms to the other side making him miss the Final Shine Attack*

Nuova Shenron: That attack of yours is a joke. Did you expect me to not move out of the way and take the attack? Have you also forgotten about my speed?

(Y/N): Of course not, I'm just testing you. Let's see if you catch me now!

*(Y/N) uses the Afterimage to trick Nuova but he doesn't fall for it and punishes (Y/N) with a Flaming Shot, making (Y/N) crash into a building*

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