Chapter 1: Saiyan Saga begins

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Son Goki defeated Demon King Piccolo, who plotted world domination. Five years have passed since her victory now she lives at peace with her family, but she didn't know that a fierce battle is coming and on that battle she will meet someone who will change her life.

*On space a ship was flying in direction to earth inside of it there was a long haired saiyan named raditz, thinking*

*Raditz Flashback*

Raditz: Not much longer before this planet's ours.

(Y/N): It would have been ours much sooner if you'd actually done your job, Raditz.

Raditz: S-Sorry (Y/N)...

Nappa: And that's why everyone calls you "Raditz the runt".

*Raditz gets pissed off at Nappa's comment but doesn't do anything since he knows he and (Y/N) both can kick his ass in a matter of seconds*

Raditz: Things'll be different on the next planet...

Nappa: Hmph!

(Y/N): Mark my words, if you screw up again, I will kill you.

Raditz: W-wait! I just remembered something! I think my little sister Kakora was sent to a different planet. I bet she's still there...

Nappa: A sister huh? Is she hot?

Raditz: U-Uhm... i don't know i haven't seen her since she was a baby, and besides so what if she is i would never let you hook up with my sister!

Nappa: That's not for you to decide runt, i mean im sexy as hell when she sees me she'll wish to break me if you know what i mean *Nappa winks at raditz like this*

Nappa: That's not for you to decide runt, i mean im sexy as hell when she sees me she'll wish to break me if you know what i mean *Nappa winks at raditz like this*

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(Y/N): Shut the hell up Nappa! 

Nappa: Sorry (Y/N) sir...

(Y/N): Hm so you have a sister? a female saiyan that's definetely something i didn't expect to hear, hell i didn't think there were any saiyan left besides us.

Raditz: If she joins us, the rest of the universe will be ours in no time!

(Y/N): The fact that she's YOUR sister doesn't exactly fill me with confidence... What planet was she sent to?

Raditz: Uh, I think it's called "Earth"...

(Y/N): Earth huh? Fine go to that planet and bring her to us if you come back empty handed i will kill you... And you too Nappa! if you start with your flirty bullshit.

Nappa: Y-yes sir!

Raditz: Yes sir i will go get her right now!

*End of flashback*

Raditz: Now that i think about it, I haven't heard anything about her taking control of it... Damn it Kakora! What the hell is she doing?!

*On planet Earth*

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