The battle between brother and sister

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*Goki and Piccolo were closing in on the location that Raditz had taken Gohan*

Piccolo: So you really don't recall anything about the Saiyans that Raditz clown was going on about?

Goki: Nope, none of it rings a bell. It's crazy. I had no idea I had an older brother either...

Piccolo: Tch... I was hoping to milk some useful information out of you for our fight... Anyway what's the plan? We're not gonna just rambo our fight are we?

Goki: Well i think we may actually have an advantage against him, i saw that he had a tail if we grab it he'll loose his energies that happened to me with my tail at least.

Piccolo: And how are we supposed to grab his tail...?

Goki: Well... I guess our only chance to grab it will be if he gets distracted, but look the radar indicates that the location is right in front of us let's go Piccolo!

Piccolo: Stay sharp he might know we're closing in thanks to the device on his face.

*With Raditz*

Raditz: Hm? What's this? *Checks scouter* A power level of 710?! Where the hell...?! K-Kakora's kid? No way! Damn, this thing must be busted...

*Scouter detects two energies approaching*

Raditz: Hm? Another reading... And it's heading straight for me! There's two readings, with power levels of 322 and 334! I knew it it's Kakora and the green man.

*Goki and Piccolo arrive*

Raditz: So what brings you here? You made the right choice Kakora?

Goki: If coming to rescue my son is the right choice then yes! Now give him back! Where are you hiding him?!

Raditz: His screaming was giving me a headache, so I locked him up in my spaceship. But forget about the runt, you actually think you have a chance against me? Female Saiyans may have a little better potential than males but you are just the lowest of the low Kakora! You're not even fit to call yourself a Saiyan, prepare to DIE!

Goki: Stop!

Raditz: Huh? Stop? What do you mean stop? Don't tell me you're scared now

Goki: Of course not i just need time to take my heavy clothes off

*Goki takes her heavy clothes for training and Piccolo does the same*

Goki: Huh i didn't know you also wore a heavy set Piccolo.

Piccolo: I wasn't planning on staying behind on you forever i was training hard to defeat you until this idiot showed up.

Raditz: You know im still here right?!

Goki: Yeah right, we're ready now let's go! *Goki gets on a combat position*

Goki: Yeah right, we're ready now let's go! *Goki gets on a combat position*

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Female Goku x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now