Buu Saga 2/2

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A/N: This is gonna be a very long chapter because I included a bonus at the end ;).


Goki: O-Ow...

*Goki slowly gets up after waking up*

Goki: Ugh... my head. (Y/N)? (Y/N) where are you?

*Goki looks around trying to see (Y/N) but its all quiet*

Goki: I can sense Majin Buu's energy in the distance, but I can't sense (Y/N)'s anywhere! He couldn't... N-No he couldn't have gotten himself killed! W-Would he...?! I-I can't sense Gohan's energy either, what's going on?

*Goki tries to focus on the others ki and locates them*

Goki: Piccolo's and Krillin's energy is back, that means they aren't stone anymore! I can sense everyone's ki at Kami's lookout they must know what's going on.

*Goki IT herself to Kami's Lookout and when they see her arrive everyone's surprised*

Krillin: Goki, you're okay!

Goki: Yeah, I was out for a while but I just woke up. What's going on? Why can't I sense (Y/N)'s and Gohan's energy?

*Everyone gives each other a sad look*

Piccolo: *Sigh* Listen, Goki... You can't sense their energy because...

Goki: Because...?

Piccolo: Because both (Y/N) and Gohan were killed by Majin Buu.

*Goki's eyes widened in disbelief as she falls on her knees and tears begin to fall down her cheeks*

Goki: N-No... (Y/N) and G-Gohan... are gone... T-This can't be happening!

*Bulma and Videl went to Goki to comfort her*

Goki: Now I see why (Y/N) pulled that move... He did it to lower my guard so he could go fight Majin Buu on his own, but why would he do that?!

Piccolo: He wanted to atone for everything he did, he gave his life away to protect not only you and Bra but everyone on this planet. Unfortunately... his sacrifice did not work and Majin Buu survived, his regeneration is way beyond our comprehension.

Goki: (Y-Y/N)...

Bra: My dad and brother are what?!

*Everyone turns around and see that Bra and Trunks woke up and heard everything*

Bra: You're lying! My daddy is the Prince of the Saiyans, the strongest fighter there is! He wouldn't lose to someone like Buu! My brother may have not trained in a while but he is also really strong you're all lying!

*Goki slowly gets up and walks up to Bra*

Goki: Bra... Sweety, I don't want it to be true either but their energies are gone, we can't sense them. T-They're both gone...

Bra: N-No... D-Daddy, why did you have to leave me... It's not fair!

*Bra turns into a Super Saiyan and her energy increases every time she gets angrier*

Bra: My dad and brother were everything I had and now they're gone! They're gone because of that monster!

*Everyone looks at Bra in shock as lighting surrounds her golden aura, meaning she reached Super Saiyan 2*

Krillin: Her energy is incredible!

Piccolo: And it just keeps increasing!

Bra: I will make... Buu...pay...

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