Namek Saga Begins

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*After (Y/N) left the Earth and Krillin explained what happened to Bulma, Master Roshi and Korin they took Goki, Gohan and the bodies of the Z warriors hoping to revive them by going to Piccolo's home planet: Namek*

*Meanwhile (Y/N) despite of his wounds he managed to stay awake through the whole trip in space to arrive in a planet completely habitated by the evil emperor Frieza's army*

Frieza soldider: Look! Prince (Y/N)'s spacepod is arriving!

*You land your spacepod and after you barely got out of it due to your wounds, the frieza soldiders after seeing the state you are in quickly ran to help you*

Frieza soldider: Prince (Y/N)! What happened to you?!

(Y/N): Just... get me to the recovery chamber... fast...

Frieza Soldider 2: Quick take him to the recovery chamber! He's slowly dying!

*You are quickly taken to the recovery chamber and your wounds slowly start healing*

*Back on Earth Goki, Krillin and Gohan were taken to the hospital. Krillin and Gohan made a quick recovery but Goki had to remain in bed and covered in bandages due to the damage you made to her when you transformed into a Great Ape. Bulma and Mr Popo found Kami's spaceship and after a few days Bulma fixed it and they were all set to go to planet Namek, but the question was... Who where the ones to go?*

Bulma: The spaceship is all set and ready to go, i even included a Namekian translator that'll help to communicate in case the Namekians don't know our language. But who will travel to Namek?

Krillin: Well... you're the one who fixed it and made the translator so, why don't you go Bulma?

Bulma: Are you crazy?! No wonder you don't have a girlfriend Krillin!

Krillin: W-What did i do for you to say that?!

Bulma: You're not being a gentleman! Trying to send a beautiful girl like me all alone in space!

Master Roshi: Krillin, you'll go with her.

Krillin: What?! But i just recovered from the fight with the Saiyans!

Master Roshi: I would go with Bulma alone no problem heh heh.... But unfortunately I'm too old to protect her if we were attacked in space. Right now with Goki hurt like this you're one of the strongest fighters left on Earth.

Krillin: I....ugh fine I guess I'll go...

Gohan: I'll go to!

*Everyone looked at Gohan in shock*

Goki: G-Gohan are you sure about this? It's going to be dangerous.

Gohan: I know mom, but i owe this to Mr Piccolo... He sacrificed himself for me and no matter what it takes i will bring him back!

Goki: Heh heh... I guess you respect Piccolo so much for that... I would love to go with you but i can't... I'm counting on you Gohan, you have my permission to go. 

*Gohan thankful and full with joy ran to hug Goki carefully since he didn't want to hurt her*

Bulma: Well it's settled then! We'll meet tomorrow morning at Kame House.

Krillin: Well i guess i should go packing... Man i wanted to take this time of peace to meet a lady...

*Suddenly someone entered the room and to Gohan and Goki's suprise it was Chi Chi*

Gohan: D-dad?

*Chi Chi looked at everyone with a serious look*

Chi Chi: Everyone leave this room in this instant, i have to speak with my wife alone.

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