The Cell Games

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Cell: So, (Y/N). Shall we continue our fight?


*Krillin throws a destructo-disc at Cell's neck but it's not very effective*

Cell: On second thought... Give me a sec I have a first contender. 

Krillin: GUAHG!

Krillin: GUAHG!

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Bra: Krillin!

(Y/N): Forget about him. He deserves it.

Bra: Even if that's true I can't just let him die. I'm giving him a senzu bean.

*Bra flies towards Krillin to give him a senzu bean*

Cell: Hey!

Android 16: Hello.

Cell: So, are we cool?

Android 16: You ate my family!

Cell: Hey, don't lose your head! They were my family too.

*(Y/N) lands in front of Cell*

(Y/N): Don't tell me you are satisfied swatting flies like the baldy. If that's your idea of perfect I may as well go home.

Cell: Hm, sorry to hear that.

*(Y/N) powers up and charges at Cell trying to hit him but he blocked all of his attacks*

(Y/N): Well, it looks you are a bit stronger than before!

*(Y/N) kicks Cell in the neck but it has no effect on him*

(Y/N): N-No way!

Cell: Heh heh heh... Super (Y/N). What seems to be the problem?

(Y/N): ...

Cell: Cat catch your tongue?

*Cell kicks (Y/N) making him crash through several mountains and falling on water*

*(Y/N) comes out of the water breathing heavily as Cell approaches him*

Cell: Sorry to interrupt your breathing exercises, but I think it's time for us to continue.

(Y/N): You're right it's time...

*(Y/N) flies above Cell and starts charging a new attack*



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