The Final Chapters

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*A year has passed since the defeat of Frieza, during that time a tournament was held between Universe 7 and Universe 6. Universe 7 ended up winning thanks to Monaca defeating Hit (He totally didn't jump out of the ring on purpose)*

*While our main timeline remained free of threats, on another timeline a new foe showed up...*

Trunks: Did we lose him?

Bra: I think so... That bastard Black destroying everything we worked hard to rebuild...!

*Bra and Trunks were taking cover in some rubble waiting for a mysterious person to fly away*

Bra: Alright the fuel for the time machine is intact and we only have to move a few more blocks to get to it.

*Bra was about to move but she saw Trunks still sitting on his knees as tears fall from his eyes*

Trunks: M-Mom... She's gone... He killed her and I just stood there!

Bra: *Sigh* Listen Trunks I know what it's like to lose a mother, what you're feeling right now will make you stronger believe me. And if we want to avenge Bulma and save this world, we need to get to the time machine.

*Suddenly an explosion occurred near them*

Bra: He's getting desperate on finding us! We gotta move!

Trunks: I-I...

Bra: Trunks!

*Bra grabs Trunks from his jacket and gives him a strong slap*

Bra: Snap the fuck out of it and RUN!

*Bra and Trunks start running but a dark tornado appeared in front of them, bright red eyes could be seen inside of it*

Bra: Damnit! He found us!

???: Aren't you too old to be playing hide and seek, Bra?

*The tornado cleared revealing the person who has been looking for them*

*The tornado cleared revealing the person who has been looking for them*

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Trunks: (Y/N)...

Bra: No Trunks... You should know by now, that is not my dad.

*Bra gives the time machine fuel to Trunks*

Bra: Go! I'll stay behind and buy you some time!

Trunks: No! I'm not gonna leave you alone!

Bra: This is not a discussion! Do it for Bulma and Mai, Trunks!

Trunks: Tch... Fine! You better not die before I come back!

*Trunks runs away heading to the time machine*

Black: So far I've been going easy on you, but you've proven to be a complete disappointment every single battle we have fought. I will end your life here and now.

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