The Battle Of The Gods

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*On a faraway planet from Earth*


???: Lord Beerus it's time, time to wake up. And don't fall back asleep, recall that it was you who set the alarm to go off at this time. I hate to see you oversleep and one of your backup alarms...


Beerus: Fine Whis... I'm up...

Whis: *Sigh* I just don't want you sleeping in for 15 years too late and waking up groggy like the last time. But if you require some more coddling... *Clears throat and pulls out microphone*  I'm always happy to show off my vocal range with a singing performance to roust you.

Beerus: I SAID I'M UP! But it's so cozy...

Beerus: *Yawn* You know I need to get 50 years of rest, 39 is no more than a catnap

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Beerus: *Yawn* You know I need to get 50 years of rest, 39 is no more than a catnap.

Whis: Lord Beerus again it was you who chose this wake-up time. And if I may, why did you choose this date?

Beerus: Something I need to check for myself...

Whis: In any case, I prepared a bath for you, go on before it gets cold.

Beerus: I rather not... You know I hate baths.

Whis: You're covered in sulfur from those explosions, my lord. And you got mold in your ears.

Beerus: ...

Whis: NOW.

*Beerus takes a bath and then goes to eat the food Whis had for him*

Beerus: By the way, Whis, while I was asleep, did Frieza leave Planet (Y/N) destroyed for me?

Whis: Yes, without a trace.

Beerus: Oh, yeah? I could have given the folks on that planet an eternity, but they'd still be nothing but trouble. And that King (Y/N) was especially hard-fisted. I would have been happy to destroy them, too, but their world is so far away, you know? It was too much trouble. I have to admit, though, Frieza is a bad apple, too. He's so self-important. The next time I see him, I think I might destroy him, too.

Whis: Impossible I'm afraid. During your nap someone already defeated Frieza.

Beerus: WHAT?! Someone more powerful than Frieza?

Whis: Allow me to explain.

*Whis using his staff show Beerus the fight on Namek*

(Y/N): Don't underestimate me... Friezaaaa!

Frieza: What?!

Frieza: What?!

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