The battle against the Frieza force begins

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Bulma: I hate to say it... but that's it. We're screwed! There's no way we can ever get back to Earth now!

Krillin: Well it might be best if we get ourselves out of the open. Hey, look! A cave!

*Krillin points to a cave in the distance*

Krillin: See Bulma, isn't this nice? A nice dark, dank... cave?

Bulma: Who knows? Maybe here I'll finally meet a real man.

Krillin: What about Yamcha?

Bulma: A real man...

Gohan: Maybe... Maybe the Namekians can help us fix our ship, right?

Bulma: I wish I could be as optimistic as you two...

Gohan: Hey, uh , Krillin do you feel that?

Krillin: What, the need to pee? Well, they destroyed the toilet so I guess I'll just use a bush or- OH MY GOD GET IN THE CAVE!

* Bulma, Krillin and Gohan hide in the cave until all the strong energies fly past them*

Bulma: Th-They left.... Who where they?

Gohan: Krillin! They had the Dragon Balls!

Krillin: Yes, Gohan, I noticed! That explains why we saw four Dragon Balls in the same spot.

Gohan: Did you feel their power levels? They were as strong as (Y/N)!

Krillin: Yes, Gohan! I noticed! And yes! I also noticed that the small guy was like a hundred (Y/N)'s. Well on the bright side, I no longer have to pee anymore! Lemme go change in the cave...

*Krillin goes to change*

Bulma: Whoa... Someone stronger than (Y/N)...? No way...

Gohan: And it looks like they are looking for the next Dragon Ball... Hey! My mom is stronger than (Y/N) too!

Bulma: I uh... I was talking about the aliens that are on this planet Gohan! If Goki was here I have no doubt she would be stronger than everyone here!

Gohan: Hmm... Alright I'll believe you.

* After a few minutes Krillin returns*

Bulma: Geez, took you long enough.

Krillin: We're going after those Dragon Balls...

Bulma: Wait what....

Krillin: We may be outmatched, but we didn't come this far just to give up!

Bulma: What the heck happened in that cave?

Krillin: Something I should've taken care of a month ago.

Gohan: ... I don't get it.

Krillin: Come on Gohan! Let's go follow them! You stay here in the cave Bulma! Gohan, stay close!

Gohan: Yeah!

*Krillin and Gohan start heading to the village Frieza went*

Krillin: (We are so screwed).

Bulma: Well... I guess I better go set camp... OH GOD IT'S EVERYWHERE!


*Back on Earth*

Master Roshi: And not only is (Y/N) on the planet, but apparently someone else is there, even stronger than (Y/N)! So in short: S**t be whack, yo!

Goki: (Y-Y/N) is there too? *Goki couldn't help but get excited after knowing (Y/N) was on Namek* Agh! But I can't do anything until I'm fully healed, though! If only there were a way...

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