Buu Saga 1/2

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*Seven years have passed since the defeat of Cell, everyone was finally able to live at peace. Hercule witnessed how (Y/N) and Gohan destroyed Cell but decided to take the credit from their victory and the whole world praised him to the point of even naming a city after him*

*Gohan is now 16 years old and finally got the chance to enter "Orange Star Highschool" and took the role of a superhero on Satan City calling himself "The Great Saiyaman"*

*Right now (Y/N) and Bra were at Capsule Corp training at the gravity chamber*

(Y/N): Don't overdo it, Bra. You need to rest while you can. 150x gravity is too much for a kid like you.

Bra: *Pant* Y-Yep... I'd better become a Super Saiyan before I get crushed.

*Bra turns into a Super Saiyan and starts running around the chamber surprising (Y/N)*

Bra: Look, daddy! Now I can keep up with this gravity! Piece of cake! Piece of cake!

(Y/N): (D-Did I miss something?! When was it that the transformation to the legendary warrior of the Saiyan race was reduced to a child's plaything?!) Bra...

Bra: Yeah?

(Y/N): How were you able to transform into a Super Saiyan?

Bra: It's really easy! I just went "ngh!" Then I went "hah!" And BOOM! I became a Super Sandal!

(Y/N): First of it's "Super Saiyan" and second that doesn't make any sense! What is this, some sort of Super Saiyan bargain sale...?!

Bra: Alright! What's next for our training, daddy?

(Y/N): Hit me.

Bra: What...?

(Y/N): Hit me right on the face.

Bra: Why would I do that? You know I'm no match for you...

(Y/N): If you manage to do it or even a small scratch. I'll take you to the amusement park.

Bra: Wow! You mean it?! Alright, let's go!

*Bra gets into a fighting stance and powers up*

(Y/N): Alright, let's see what you can do.

Bra: Here comes!

*Bra charged at (Y/N) and started throwing punches at him, he was blocking every single one but Bra managed to land a blow on his cheek making (Y/N) hit her back on the face*

Bra: O-Ow... You didn't say you would hit back, dad...

(Y/N): Well I didn't say I wouldn't hit you did I, Bra?

Bra: N-No but... *Sniff*

(Y/N): Dry your tears a deal is a deal... I'm taking you to the amusement park...

*Bra's tears immediately dried and she got up from the ground jumping in excitement*

Bra: Yay! This is the best day ever! Oh, but can we get muffins when we go there, daddy?

(Y/N): Yeah, sure we can... But we'll go another day we need to rest for now. Let's go get Gohan and head back home. (It's amazing how much she reminds me of Kakora).

Bra: Okay! I can't wait to tell my big bro about this!

*(Y/N) and Bra leave the gravity chamber and head to where Gohan and Bulma are*

Bra: Gohan! You will not believe what just happened! Dad said he will take me to th--

*Bra stopped and stood confused when she saw Gohan*

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