Training for the Saiyan invasion!

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*While (Y/N) and Nappa started their trip to earth, meanwhile, Goki, having died in the battle against Raditz, stood alongside Kami at the entrance to the Other World.*

Kami: And that is why i bought her here as she is. To be trained further. Therefore, if it is agreeable to you, King Yemma, I humbly ask that you allow her to meet with King Kai.

King Yemma: Hmm... So you intend to take this heaven- bound soul and subject her to the grueling 625,000-mile-long Snake Way so she can meet King Kai?

Kami: Indeed.

King Yemma: Very well! If you wish to see King Kai, then I suggest you be on your way. However i should warn you that no one has ever made it succesfully-- other than myself, of course-- in over 100 million years.

Goki: Huh... must be one heck of a journey.. I'd better get started! But before i leave i meant to ask... did a guy named Raditz come through here?

King Yemma: Yes, we've got him marked down for Hell, of course.

Goki: Did he put up much of a fight?

King Yemma: He sure did. He definetely didn't go quietly, but i sorted him out.

Goki: Whoa, you must be one heck of a strong guy!

King Yemma: Of course i am. I occupy a position above that of the Earth's guardian!

Kami: Goki i think you better get moving you don't know how long it'll take you to travel through Snake Way and the Saiyans will arrive in a year...

Goki: Right! Sorry i got a little distracted heh heh... well im moving out, later!

*Goki starts to run through the Snake Way to get to King Kai's so he can train her*

*Meanwhile on Earth, Piccolo starts his training with Gohan*

Gohan: Wh-Who are you?

Piccolo: Listen up time for a reality check. Your mommy is dead okay! She sacrificed herself to kill the man who kidnapped you, in case you forgot.

Gohan: Wh-What?! M-My mom's... *sniff*

Piccolo: If her friends are vigilant, and able to find the Dragon Balls, they can bring her back. However, we've got other things to deal with. Though we were able to defeat Raditz, sounds like we've got two of his buddies to worry about a year from now. If that's the case, your mother and I probably won't be enough to take these guys out! We need your power! You're going to learn how to defend the Earth!

Gohan: B-But I'm no good at fighting!

Piccolo: Quit your whining! Once im done whipping you into shape, you'll be tough enough for anything! Got it?!

Gohan: Got it... So how do we start?

Piccolo: You need to stop depending on others to help you, you have to believe in yourself and for that, I'm giving you 6 months. If you're able to survive for that long. I'll teach you how to fight. See ya. *Piccolo flies away from Gohan*

Gohan: W-Waaaait! Don't leave me, IT'S SCARY OUT HEEREEE!

*Suddenly the ground starts shaking, Gohan turns around to see the cause and he sees a giant dinosaur*


*Gohan starts running away from the dinosaur*

*Gohan starts running away from the dinosaur*

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