Fukkatsu no F

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Frieza: Guagh... M-My own attack...?

*Frieza falls on the ground with his body cut in half*

(Y/N): Now this is an amusing view. But I have to admit I didn't see it ending quite like this.

Frieza: Curse you, Saiyan...

*(Y/N) turns to see Goki's fight with Cooler*

Frieza: I am Lord Frieza...None surpass me... No one even comes close! Get this into your skull! I am the Emperor of the Universe! The likes of you are only fit to grovel at my feet! And that is why you miserable... You... YOU MUST DIE BY MY HAND!!!!

*Frieza fires a beam at (Y/N) with the strength he has left, (Y/N) quickly notices and counters the attack*

(Y/N): YOU FOOL!!!

Frieza: WHAT?!

*(Y/N)'s blast overpowers Frieza's*



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*Present day*

Frieza: Curse him! Curse that Saiyan monkey!

*Frieza clenches his fists in anger until someone interrupts him*

Sorbet: L-Lord Frieza? Sorry to interrupt but I wanted to say that our ship is already set on heading to Earth.

Frieza: Good, it's about time we pay (Y/N)'s precious planet a visit.

Sorbet: Are you sure that not bringing back your brother and father was a good idea?

Frieza: All Cooler did on Namek was escalate things and my daddy would only get in the way. Who was the Saiyan that killed my daddy, Sorbet? It wasn't (Y/N) or the woman was it?

Sorbet: No, sir. According to the information transmitted by the scouters of the soldiers that were with you father, it was a young Super Saiyan girl who shared similar characteristics with Prince (Y/N) and Son Goki.

Frieza: It must've been their little offspring. Disgusting... All those monkeys think about is fighting and sex. Make sure all the soldiers are ready for our invasion of Earth, (Y/N)'s allies will probably wait for us due to our energy levels, the soldiers will take care of them while I handle (Y/N).

Sorbet: Right away sir!

Frieza: I hope you're ready, (Y/N). The time of vengeance has finally arrived!


*(Y/N) and Goki determined to push themselves to a whole new level, have been training at Beerus planet with Whis. Goki now wore a different gi and (Y/N) wore a different battlesuit*

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