Holding out for hope in Planet Namek

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*With preparations for the journey to Planet Namek complete, everyone is gathered at Kame House*

Krillin: So, you sure this thing is ready to fly?

Bulma: Yep! I've gotten everything worked out. Well, except for one thing... We couldn't fix the translator for the toilet.

Gohan: Hey guys I'm back!

Krillin: Hey Gohan welcome ba- OH MY GOD! What happened to your hair? You look like a young Moe Howard!

Gohan: Well look who's talking, Curly!

Krillin: Why, I oughta-

Bulma: Clam it, chowderheads, we gotta get going!

*Krillin, Bulma and Gohan get on the spaceship*

Gohan: Bye Master Roshi! Please take care of my mom while we're gone!

Master Roshi: Oh I will Gohan... I will heh heh heh~

Gohan: Uhm... why is he-

Krillin: You'll know when you're older. So Bulma where do i put my stuff?

Bulma: Sit down, strap in, and shut up!

Krillin: Uh, alright... So Gohan, how much did you bring?

Gohan: Well... I just packed what I though would be useful for the trip.

Krillin: Oh nice, you know what they say: "Always be prepared".

Bulma: Popo.

Krillin/Gohan: AHHHHHHHHHHH!

*Finally Gohan, Krillin and Bulma set off to Planet Namek with the hope of retrieving the Dragon Balls and bring their friends back to life!*

*Meanwhile in an unknown place*

(Y/N): Ugh... What's going on where am i?

*(Y/N) looks around and notices he's in a bedroom or... someone's bedroom*

(Y/N): What in the... Why am i in a bed? And... WHY AM I NAKED?!

Goki: Well, it seems that someone finally woke up~

(Y/N): K-Kakora?! What the hell is going on?! Where am i?! And why are you naked too?!  

Goki: *Giggles* What's wrong (Y/N)? You pounded me so hard last night that you forgot what happened?

(Y/N): P-Pounded? W-Wait you mean... You and I mated?!

Goki: Well that's one way of calling it~

*Goki slowly started to come closer to (Y/N), when she got close enough, she leaned against his chest making him feel her big breasts*

(Y/N): I-I don't know what's going on but... I think I'm starting to like this.

Goki: I'm just getting started my prince. *She leans closer to your face* I'm gonna make you feel really good~

*Goki puts her left hand on (Y/N)'s cheek and starts kissing him while with her right hand she starts massaging his dick*

*After a few seconds Goki pulls back from the kiss and starts licking (Y/N)'s neck*

(Y/N): Ngh! K-Kakora... This feels so good...

Goki: You don't have to say it, your friend down there is letting me know~

*Goki gets closer to your dick without letting it go with her right hand*

Goki: I hope you're ready my prince the real fun is about to begin*Goki says while leaning her face close to your dick*

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