The Ginyu Force/Goki finally arrives on Namek

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*Gohan finishes burying the Namekian bodies (Y/N) left*

Gohan: There... that's the least I can do to pay them respect and to honor their unfair deaths. Now where is that Dragon ball?

*Gohan turns on the dragon radar*

Gohan: Huh? It's indicating that it's on the bottom of that lake.

*Gohan dives in the lake and recovers the Dragon Ball*

Gohan: Phew! Found it! I hope Krillin and Bulma are okay... I felt two large energies fighting on their location. Better hurry!

*Gohan starts flying back to Bulma and Krillin but stops when he feels someone approaching*

Gohan: S-Someone's coming! (Y/N)! I can't let him see me... Where to hide, where to hide?

*Gohan flies down to a little mountain and hides*

(Y/N): Huh? Where did this power come from all of a sudden? It disappeared... What's going on here?!

*(Y/N) flies near the place Gohan is hiding*

(Y/N): Who's there?! If you don't show yourself right now, I'll reduce this place to ashes!

Gohan: W-Wait!

*Gohan comes out of his hiding but leaving the Dragon Ball out of (Y/N)'s sight*

Gohan: I-It's only me...

(Y/N): Well, if it isn't Moe Howard.

Gohan: How do you even--?

(Y/N): Space Hulu.

Gohan: Figures...

(Y/N): Kakora's little brat, huh? So what are you doing here?

Gohan: Oh you know... J-Just flyin' around.

(Y/N): Flyin' around?

Gohan: Flyin' around.

(Y/N): Thwarting my plans.

Gohan: Thwarting your plans?

(Y/N): Are you?

Gohan: No...

(Y/N): Good, 'cause that'd be bad.

Gohan: How bad?

(Y/N): I'd have to kill you.

Gohan: That's bad...

(Y/N): Indeed.

Gohan: Huh? That's a Dragon Ball! Wait, where did you get that?!

(Y/N): It was a gift... from that follicly-challenged friend of yours.

Gohan: Krillin?! You killed him, didn't you?!

(Y/N): No, he's alive, but I'd be more than willingly to fix that if you'd like.

Gohan: Eh?

(Y/N): And I think I'll let you live. Luckily for you I'm feeling generous now that I've got all the Dragon Balls.

Gohan: Oh... So you have all of them?

*(Y/N) flies close to Gohan*

(Y/N): Curious, what's that you've got in your hand there?

Gohan: Oh, uh, this...? It's a watch yeah! It only tells time, nothing else!

(Y/N): Well yeah that's what a watch does... Hmph, with such primitive technology, I'm surprised you Earthlings managed to make it to a remote planet like this. If you're here, then that must mean Kakora's here too!

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