Bill's Garage

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     "Hey, Luce. Bill wants us all to meet at his house in fifteen. Can you make it?" I sat on my bed with my book face down on my lap. I looked at my watch. 1:23. My parents were going to be gone the entire day, thankfully.

      "Yeah I could meet for a few. Why does he need all of us?" Bill and the others were getting used to me more and more, and sometimes Bev would call just to get away from all of the testosterone. It was still a little tense once in a while, but overall it was...comfortable around them. Ever since the Fourth of July parade, I hadn't felt as judged. They didn't make fun of me or do anything to make me feel different or unwelcome. It was nice.

          "He says he wants to show us something. It had to deal with...with finding his brother. Since the beginning of the whole...mess, he's been dedicated to finding Georgie again, and well, I guess that day on Fourth of July, made something click in his head. So see you in fifteen?" I smiled and nodded Evernote though he couldn't see.

          "Yeah." I put my phone back and closed my book. I fell back onto my bed and smiled. Stan was also calling her a lot. They were quickly phone calls most of the time, but it was nice to hear his voice. My parents still didn't know everything about Stan, or how I am hangin out with Bill and Beverly, but they didn't bother asking either. They wouldn't let me leave the house as much, but they didn't take my phone away yet. I lifted my arms over my face to see the time again.

          "Bill wants me there to talk about his brother?" I spoke to myself and smiled. Not about his brother missing of course. "He trusts me enough to let me in with personal issues!" I hopped up onto my butt and squeezed my sheets with my fists. "I gotta get in clothes!" I was still in my pjs at 1:26 in the afternoon, but that wasn't the point. I had to get to Bill's because whatever he had planned must've been urgent.

       "Someone catch me up on this, please?" Bill  setting up his projector and everyone was sitting on boxes and crates. Eddie was in front of me and Richie was on the very end next to Stanley. Beverly, Ben, and Mike were seated on the other side of the projector.

        "Big Bill here has been searching for his brother ever since he's...disappeared." Richie leaned over and pushed up his glasses.

          "But he should be dead?" Betty was dead and it's been two or three months, there was no way Georgie was alive after almost a year.

           "Not so loud. Bill believes he is alive, so that is what we all have to believe. Don't mention that he is dead...EVER." Eddie was looking over his shoulder and shaking his inhaler. I widened my eyes and nodded. It made sense. I didn't believe that Betty was dead until I saw...It. Seeing is believing I guess.

           "Yeah, Bill's dragged us everywhere so he could attempt to find his brother. I hated it so much, but I couldn't leave Bill there." Stan added and I nodded as I pushed my hair behind my ear.

           "I just hope, I hope he doesn't get too hurt when worst comes to worst." Before Eddie could say something else, the lights turned off and I felt myself jump a bit. The only light was being illuminated from the projector. On the projector was a map of Derry. Underneath the projection was the map of Derry's sewer system. Bill walked over to the map and pointed at an area with a stick.

          "Thu...this is wh...where Guh..Georgie disappeared." He pointed at a space, and the map underneath showed a line that represented a drain. "This is where that fuh...factory blew uh...up." He pointed at a biking on the edge of town, and the solid map showed another line coming out of it. "This is wh...wh..where the spot ha...happened." He pointed at another building in the other side of town, which also had a line. "And this is the Buh...buh..Barrens, where I thu..thought Guh..guh...Georgie disappeared at th...the time." As I looked at the map, I noticed the spot where I saw the footprints lead to to Betty's house. There as also a line coming from that drain. "All thu...these pluh...places are cuh...connected by the suh...sewers. That is it truh...truh...avels." He used his Pinter to follow one of the lines all the way down the a building at the bottom left of the map.

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