Fourth of July

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"Hey mom, do you mind if I hang out with some friends in town. We are going to watch the parade and hang out at Bassey Park." I leaned against the doorway into the living room and watched as my mom vacuumed. She looked up at me and turned off her vacuum.

"What's that, sweetie? I couldn't hear you through all the noise." She put her hand on her hip and put all her weight in one leg. She had her hair up in curls and was wearing a robe.

"Do you mind if I go into town and watch the parade? I'm going to meet some kids there and hang out." My mom pursed her lips together.

"Honey, you know we have our Fourth of July party every year. This house is a mess, and we have a whole lot to do before the guests come. I'm sorry, sweetie, but not this time." Shit. I had to make something up. I ran into the kitchen and opened up the icebox. The eggs. My mom always expected me to make this huge cake for the guests. I grabbed the carton out of the fridge and opened it. Disappointment filled my gaze. It was a full carton. Then I had a despicable idea.

"Hey mom, do you mind if I start making the cake now?" I shouted and my mom turned her vacuum off again.

"Lucille, what did we tell you about yelling. It isn't gonna do anything and you're better off just walking over here. Now what is it?"

"Can I start on the cake?"

"Sure. Next time you need something, come to me." She turned into he vacuum once again, and I ran over to the sink.

"Dear God, please realize I'd doing this for a reason. There is something I need to discuss with this boys and Beverly, and I can't do it sitting in this house." One by one, I started cracking all the eggs into the sink. I would tuned in the water once in a while to wash the eggs down the drain, but not too long to where my mom can hear the water rush through the pipes. I cleared the entire carton and shoved the carton at the bottom of the trash so no one would see it. Then I quickly grabbed out all the ingredients and utensils to make it look like I started.

When everything looked perfect, I went to the living room as calmly as possible.

"Mom." I called to her. She looked up and rolled her eyes.

"Lucille for crying out loud. I have work to do!" She flicked the switch again and folded her arms.

"We don't have any eggs." My mother's face went from angry and irritated to a state of confusion.

"What do you mean? I thought your dad wen to the store the other day?" I shrugged.

"Maybe he forgot." My mom looked at her watch and gave an irritated sigh.

"Oh that man! I swear one day he is gonna forget why he leaves the house in the first place. The store is all the way across town and your father is out. The house is a mess and Jesus help us!" She collapsed on the couch and rested her head on her fingertips.

"I could run out, maybe, and get some eggs and other stuff." I suggested innocently and my mom glared at me.

"Well, you are our only option. Guess today is your lucky day. Since all you have to go out, if you see your friends, but you need to be back quarter to three. Guess it'll be easier cleaning when I'm home alone." I acted surprised and nodded.

"Thanks, mom! I'll be back at 2:45. The parade should be almost over by the time I meet them anyway." I ran over to the shoe closet and threw on my converse. They didn't quite match my Fourth of July dress I was always forced to wear, but they were hella comfortable.

Go Along with IT//Stan Uris fanfic (It 2017)Where stories live. Discover now