Nothing's changed

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      As I rode away from Bill and the others, I was finally able to let out my tears. That shit hurt. Like REALLY hurt. I never stopped pedaling, but I guess I wasn't going fast enough    because I hear Stanley's  voice get louder and louder until he was eventually riding next to me.

       "Lucy, please stop!" He was panting next to me, so I skidded to a stop. I was also breathing hard and I dug my nails into my handlebars.

        "Go away, Stanley." He pulled up in front of me. I refused to look at him though I just stared at his brown shoes and his bike wheel. "Look Bill didn't mean any of that." I shook my head.

         "I've only heard Bill speak without stuttering twice. At Neibolt and just now. He meant it Stanley. He didn't stutter, so I know everything he said was true. Including how he used you to keep me away from them." Stan said nothing. He just sat there on his bike.

      "That did happen, but I don't feel that way now. I like you, Lucy."

        "No. No you don't! You don't understand what it's like! My parents expect me to be this perfect girl that praises Jesus. They want me to hang out with Greta, and look where that got me. I'm a bitch. I'm a clingy slut who hides behind other people. That shit hurt, Stanley. But it's true! Don't go around saying this because you know it's a lie. This summer, believe or not, was turning out to be decent. I thought, hey, I might actually have friends. Eddie and Richie would think I'm not as bad as Greta; Ben and Mike, not knowing Greta, would see me for the person I was. Beverly might not actually see me as a bully who picks on her, because that don't me. And Bill. I thought...I thought Bill would forget that my parents hate his family's guts and would actually consider getting to know me. But I've left to big of a mark on this stupid town. So don't say you like me. Don't say that you know what it is like!" I sat there in my bike, sobbing all my guts out.

        "Luce?" Stan fumbled to try and find the words.

        "Just leave. You don't want to be here. And it's Lucy. Bye Stan." I backed up and pushed by him.

        "Lucy. If I didn't think you weren't my friend, then I wouldn't be telling you this. I am having a bar mitzvah. It's on July 31st. The ceremony starts at 12 and there will be a party afterwards. And...and I want you to come. It's just going to be family...and Richie. And I want you there too. If I didn't think you were my friend, I wouldn't have told you this."

          "That doesn't matter. If I did want to go, my parents wouldn't let me. My whole summer had been a lie, but just to me, but to my parents. I never told them once that I was hanging out with you because the minute they knew you were Jewish or that I was with Bill or Beverly, they would flip their tops. This whole summer is against me. Bye Stan. Have fun at your bar mitzvah." Before he could say anything else, I sped down the road and to my house.

       I was alone again. Just like I was in the beginning of the summer. No friends. Just me. And it was depressing. I wasn't a bitch. I wasn't a loser. I was a nobody. The last two months was just an illusion, a dream. Time to wake up, Lucille Yancey, know one wants to be friends with you. No one wants to talk to you. Might as well go into the sewers and let that...that thing take it. It's probably better facing that thing than seeing Bill or Stan in the streets. I give in to fear. I give up.

Author's note: this is short and maybe a little cringy. I would've added this to last part, bu that would be waaaay too long, even for me. Okay, sorry if it is cringy and/or sappy.

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