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Author's note: I know I keep saying this, but we are almost done! If you think this is worthy of being seen by other random people...please share with your friends, and they share with their friends, and so on and so on....okay no more self-promoting. Back to the "good" stuff?😬

As I pulled around the corner onto Neibolt street, could see already see three of six boys: Eddie, Ben, and Stan. I slowed down my speed and when I got closer, hopped off immediately.

"Bill and the others should be coming soon...I'm sorry you guys had to get dragged into all this again. But I trust Bill." They all looked from the house back to me.

"If it means saving Beverly, I'm all in. Let's kill It." Ben sounded brave, but I could tell that he was scared we all were. Stan stayed quiet. He didn't have to speak. I wouldn't force him.

I looked at Eddie. Then I looked down at his cast. In black sharpie, "Loser" was written across the entire cast. However, he took a red marker and covered the "S" with a "V". It read "LOVER".

"Did Greta do that to you?" I asked him. He lifted his arm up and nodded.

"Yeah. I think I fixed it though. And in a way, Greta kind of helped me."

"I saw...I mean I saw you and Greta at the counter and I got nervous...but damn." Eddie laughed a bit.

"No it's fine..." he pointed to my hand. "What happened to your hand?" I made a fist and held it out. I could see Ben sort of lean over as well to get a look at it.

"Henry jumped me in an alley and carved "Loser" into my hand with a knife...guess it isn't as bad as having a giant 'H' on my stomach though." I elbowed Ben and but and he laughed as he shook his elbow.

"Hey you had beef with him. Im just fat."

"And I was supposedly a kid with asthma. Henry's got stupid reasons to hate us."

"Well, he hates us cause we are losers. Exhibit A. Also, Eds, I thought you did have asthma? I know you well enough to know you always carry pills and shit in that Fanny pack of yours." Eddie looked down at sighed.

"Nah it's all useless. The air in the inhaler isn't actual medicine, and the pills are...they are placebos. It's all bullshit."

"Then why are you still wearing it?" Eddie was about to answer, then quickly shut his mouth. He unzipped his Fanny pack, took out the inhaler to put in his pocket, then threw the Fanny pack into the dead grass in the yard.

"Wow Eds, finally getting rid of the Fanny? I told you they were never in style." Behind us, Richie, Bill, And Mike were biking towards us.

"Thu...thanks for cuh...coming. It muh...means a lot." Bill got off his bike, and Richie and Mike did the same. Mike was wearing a sash with billets on it, and he had a gun on his side.

"Let's go." Bill was the first to enter the property, and we all filed behind him. I could feel myself get nervous, and I had a horrible thought. One of us could die; Two or three of us could die; we could all die. We were just kids. We don't know how to fight a fucking demon. But I knew now wasn't the time to freak out.

Bill was crouching down and collecting some metal rods and throwing it into a duffel bag. We all stood around, taking nervous glances from the house, to Bill, to each other.

       Richie ran past me and picked up an empty coke bottle. I wasn't sure what he was doing with it, but suddenly there was a little shattering noise they made every single one of us jump. We looked to Richie, who was still holding what was left of the bottle. I looked disappointed as he tossed it aside.

Go Along with IT//Stan Uris fanfic (It 2017)Where stories live. Discover now