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It's been almost two weeks since the whole House on Neibolt experience and since the Losers club...well since I realized that my hopes for finally having real friends was all a huge myth. My parents had grounded me for the rest of that month since I lied to them and hung out with "bad influences". This summer was a waste. It was a massive shithole and nothing good happened. Instead, I learned that I will never be accepted by even the outcasts of the school, there is killer alien clown living in the sewers, my parents are control freaks that completely control my life, and I am too much of a wimp to stand up for myself and...

"Sweetie?" My mom's voice came from the other side of the door along with a knock. I sat up on my bed and sued my hands to support myself.

"Yeah, mom?" She opened the door and she had her purse hanging on the crease of her elbow.

"Me and your father are going out, and we think that you should go out too. It is unhealthy to be stuck in your room the entire time you are grounded, and we both agreed to let you go out into town just for the day." I wasn't as excited as I should've been. To be honest, I was doing fine in my room. I painted my nails a few times, started reading again, snd I dug up and old Walkman that I completely forgot about.

"Are you sure? I'm actually doing alright in here." My mom nodded and smiled.

"It's the summer. You should be having fun. You are off the hook for the rest of the day. But that doesn't mean hanging out with those group of kids again. They are bad influences, and you are so much better than them." I sighed.

"I wasn't planning on it. They don't want to hang out with me anyway." My mom came over and sat down next to me. She rubbed my back.

"Sweetie, I know you cared for them, but people are like that. The Denbroughs pretended to like us, but they were spreading rumors about us."

"But mom, did it occur to you that you were doing stuff to them as well? Like you threw a party and invited everyone but them. That was just as messed up."

"Adults have their ways of handling problems. We were just showing them that we are not to be messed with." I didn't agree with that, but I just nodded and sighed.

"Mom, one more question. You freaked out when you found out that Stan was Jewish. Why is it such a bad thing? He...actually invited me to his bar mitzvah." My mom sighed and continued to rub my back.

"Catholics and Jews have such different opinions. It's like politics, in a way. You have two sides with opposite opinions and beliefs. The stuff they believe in is so much different and I don't want that influencing your choices. Judaism is a strict religion, and it gets complicated. You shouldn't have to worry about this kind of stuff though. We know what is best for you, so just trust us. Now go out and get some fresh air. You're father and I will be out late tonight, so you are responsible for your actions." My mom made her way to the door, but when she was halfway out, she turned back to me. "This party...you aren't going to it, right? Because you know how we would feel about that." I wasn't even sure what I wanted to do. He said that he wanted me there, but life has been so confusing the past few weeks.

"Yeah I told him that I wasn't gonna go. He seemed like he really wanted me there though." That was exactly what my mom wanted to hear. But I lied to her.

"Good girl." She closed the door behind her and I collapsed back down on my bed.  My life is a piece of shit. And it gets shittier.

      I did what my mom and dad suggested. I mean they give me a day out in town, so why not take advantage of it. There was a movie coming out that I really wanted to see Karate Kid: Part III. It came out back in June, but they are still playing it at the Aladdin theater. And I needed to do something normal. Think of something normal for once. No more sewers and Betty and Clowns. Just a normal day watching a normal movie with normal people.

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