Rock War

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It took maybe half an hour to get the bathroom completely cleaned up. By the time we finished, we went through countless rags and had two trash bags full of bloody paper towels and gloves.

"God, I thought you guys would never come down. Beverly must've had a lot to show you you guys...and now girls are on her list too!" Richie stand in on the edge of the rocky path, holding a handful of rocks. He must've been throwing it into the stream.

"God, Richie, your sick you know that?" We all went over to our bikes. Beverly had gone into an alleyway behind her apartment building and came out with her own bike. No one wanted to part ways quite yet. Not after that.

"We need to about this." Everyone was walking their bikes except for Richie, who was making circles around us like a shark.

"I suh...saw Georgie." Bill had spoke out, and every stopped walking. Richie had also stopped circling us.

"Isn't Georgie missing though?" I knew he was missing, but I had the urge to ask anyway. Betty was also missing, and I saw her.

"I saw him in my buh...buh...basement. It was so ruh...real. And then suh...something else uh...appeared. It was..."

"A clown." Eddie had cut off Bill. I felt my heart drop. "Yeah I saw it too." First Beverly, then Bill, and now Eddie. Who else saw It? I looked down to my leg and saw the three scratches. So it was real. And it was trying o come after us. After all of us.

"Can only virgins see this stuff?" Richie was leaning up against his handle bars. He had a confused look on his face. "Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?"

"Maybe...maybe it just hasn't gotten to you yet?" That seemed to shut Richie up. I looked over to Stan, and he was staring down at the cement. He had this look in his eyes. Did he see something too? I was too afraid to ask.

"Stan? Are you okay?" He looked up at me. He face was as white as mine was when I saw the blood in the bathroom. Stan was about to respond when Eddie's voice sited my attention.

"Hey, isn't that Belch's car?" He was pointing to a car parked on the side of the road.

"Hey let's get out of here." Ben was hopping onto his bike, and I was about to do the same. I didn't want to see Bowers at all this summer. He said it himself. He was after me. But my eye caught something next to the car. It was a bike with a basket in front.

"It's that homeschooled bike." Bill pointed out. "We huh...have to help him." As much as I wanted to leave, I knew I had to help as well. I dismounted my bike once again and put my kickstand down. So did Stan. We ran after the group, who already made their way into the woods.

As we progressed farther into the woods, he could hear screaming and taunting. It was Bowers and his friends. I could make out the n-slur as we got closer. I smoothly hopped over logs and large rocks and I was right behind Beverly. The guys were all behind us.

We appeared from out of the woods and found a little clearing. A river had separated us from Bowers, his friends, and the black kid they were torturing. The river was too loud, so fortunately they didn't see us coming. I looked down and grabbed a rock. I handed it to Beverly.

"Would you like to do the honors?" I asked her and she smiled and took the rock from me. She threw the rock with great power and it launched all the way to Bowers, hitting him right in the nose. Bowers fell the the ground and Belch and Victor had stopped what they were doing and stared at us. They were shocked to see two girls standing there.

"Nice throw." Stan had appeared from behind us, and the others filed in around us.

"Thanks," Beverly said rather
nonchalantly. From across the stream, Hebert was cussing every bad word in the book.

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