Back at Beverly's

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Author's Note: I know it isn't a lot of people that read this, but I don't care. It makes me happy knowing that what I am writing isn't completely horrible. can keep reading now.

      I forgot how run down her place looked. The stairs that led up to her apartment looked as if they were about to fall apart, and trash was piled all around the building as well as some trash hiding in the bushes.

I shifted nervously on my feet and my hands tugged on my dress. I looked around but no one seemed to be in this part of town. It was the poor part of town, after all. God, I hope Beverly and I aren't back at square one. I headed up the stairs.

The steps creaked and bent underneath me, and I gripped onto the rusty railing in case a step gave out underneath me. Thankfully I made it up and it was now cement. I think her door is the third one. I walked to the third door, and my shoulders were slumped over a bit. I stood in front of the door, staring at the peeling paint.

"It's just Beverly. You are just here for some advice for a top secret deal you made with the actual devil and trying not to reveal anything. Stan said she could help." mind drifted off to the day after his Bar Mitzvah. When they kissed. I could feel myself start to grin as I thought about the rest of that day. Stan and I both decided to stay secret and not make a big deal about it. Then when I got home, my parents surprisingly weren't mad at me. They sat me down at the table and said that they were sorry. The still didn't want me to do certain things, but I was in a looser grip now. They even said that they were wrong for choosing my friends. So we made up. Of course I got grounded for two more weeks, but I didn't mind. It gave me time to think about how to get advice from Beverly, and how to try and act normal. It was now the middle of August.

"You are getting distracted." I snapped myself out of my thoughts. "You have to find a way to decide." I took in a deep breath and exhaled and knocked in her door. But when I did knock, the door opened all by itself. It was already open, so I must've forced it open even more. It was silent in her house.

"Umm, Beverly?" I called into the house. "Bev, it's Lucy. You there?" There was no answer. "I'm...just going to come in if you don't mind. Sorry for barging in and you may or may not want to see me, but I really need help...and I heard you are the best person to ask." There was still no reply. I wasn't sure if I should be scared, worried, or even a bit irritated. "Okay Beverly, I know we were never really friends, and we sort of ended on kinda bad terms, but I really need your help." Still there was no response.

         Besides the sun coming from the windows, there were no lights on. What if no one was even home? Did I just break into Beverly's house? The TV was still on though. It was muted, but still on. It had on that creepy-ass show with the lady and kids, and they were all smiling and laughing. Made me sick. My eyes made contact with the hallway. Maybe she was in her room?

When I came upon her room, I knocked on it, but there was no response still.

"Bev? You in there? I really need to talk." I pushed the door open but it was empty. There were some clothes on her bed and a postcard on the floor. "Beverly?" I called again. I closed the door as I walked away from her room and almost headed out of the apartment all together when I caught a glow from the corner of my left eye. I turned my head a bit to see the bathroom door was open a smidge, illuminating a little bit of light into the darkened hallway.

           "You in the bathroom?" I walked to the bathroom and gently pushed open the door. I let out a sharp gasp and fell back into the door.

          On the floor of the bathroom was a man. He was tall and a little creepy looking, and there was a giant gash in his head with blood pooling out of it and all around him. There were also bits of glass everywhere. I looked at the man, it looked like he was still breathing, but he wouldn't be for long if he lost anymore blood.

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