Ultimatums and encounters

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I pushed and headband into my hair and moved my hair behind my ears. I wore a white flowery dress, interlinked bracelets, and some lip gloss. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and gave a little smile. At the ends of my straightened hair, the ends curled inwards towards my back to give it a hairstyle similar to Sandy's in Grease. But the smile wasn't because I looked good.

Yesterday when I my mom got home, I took Stanley's offer into a bit of consideration and I asked my mom (without hinting anything) if we were busy after church. She replied with "your father and I have to run errands, so you are free for the entire day tomorrow." But she also said, "that doesn't mean you can go around running around town. It isn't safe by yourself."

I thought about it, they were going to at The Quarry around twelve, according to Stanley. If after 11:30 mass, when get home around 11:45. That would give me time to quickly pedal to meet them. But suddenly conflict struck. What if they don't want me there? Or what if they knew I had something some Stan invited me knowing I couldn't make it...or what if they never even planned and I was making a fool out do myself? My mind flashed back to Stanley in the alleyway. He made it seem awfully authentic, with his smile and everything. But then I thought back to Bill. He hated me. He probably told his friends bad things about me, so they all hate me. And I'm not even friends with them.

I rested my face in my palms and sighed. I created an ultimatum: if by the time I get home from church and it 12:46, I won't go. If it is 12:45, then I do go. Simple.

     I sat back up and relaxed my shoulders. I stuck with my ultimatum. I got up from my chair and left my room and headed to the kitchen, where my mom and dad where all ready ready to leave.

       "Sweetie you'd better grab something to eat. We won't be back home til 11:50ish. You'll pass out with nothing in your system." When my mom said 11:50ish, I paused for a second. That must be a sign. God didn't want me to go meet them at The Quarry snd he was giving me a heads up and that my ultimatum was useless. I was actually a little excited to hear that time come out of my mom's mouth, but at the same time, I felt disappointed make its way under my skin. What if they were trying to be friends with me, snd I blew them off? No, no more contemplating. You are sticking with your ultimatum.

       "I'll get a granola bar or something. Wouldn't want to pass out in church, right?" My mom smiled as she put away the last few dishes, and my dad out his newspaper down on the table.

         "Alright, let's go! We can't have the singer be late." My dad squeezed my shoulder with his  calloused hand and we left the house.

         I felt more and more butterflies grow in my stomach after I each song. When each hymn ended, I was one song closer to I sing out how I was to spend my afternoon. I was nervous, I couldn't deny it. It wasn't one of those "your whole life depends on it" choices, but still, it was pretty major considering that she didn't really have a life at this time and point.

       The first mass ended. One down one to go. We had a half and hour break, snd I was sitting in a chair on the side of the church organizing my sheet music, preparing for the next mass. When I looked up, my mom was already greeting people as they entered the church, and my dad was off doing something else. Wilma was sitting at the piano, going through the notes while stomping her foot. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I took in deep breaths snd tried to push the ultimatum out of my head. I had to focus on church. I opened my eyes again, but this time, one of the exit doors on the side of the church was open. I sat up and furrowed my eyebrows. I didn't hear anyone open it, I thought to myself. In the doorway, I could see trees and stuff from the woods surrounding the church...and something else. I leaned forward in my seat and squinted my eyes. It was something...red? I couldn't tell what it was, but I suddenly felt this urge to go see what it was.

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