Bonding time

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By the end of that day, I really needed to be escorted home. Stan had to get home to his own house and figure out what he was going to say about his face, so he couldn't bring me home, though I wasn't sure at the time how my parents would even react. Richie, Ben, Mike, and Eddie also had to deal with their own problems or just be home by a certain time, which was understandable. But that left Bill and Beverly. Beverly didn't want to go back to her house because her dad was probably dead in the bathroom by now, so Bill offered her house. Since my house was on the way to theirs they offered, and I was too drained to complain.

"Are you sure you are okay coming to my place? My parents still aren't the best to be around."

"'s fine. I cuh...can come uh...up w...with something." Bill reassured me. I couldn't remember much after that, but whatever Bill said worked because this morning I woke up clean in my bedroom and with my arm neatly wrapped in gauzes and medical tape. A knock came on my door and my mom and dad slowly appeared from the other side. My mom smiled and my dad had his arms crossed.

"Oh Lucy. Honey, I'm so glad you're okay." My mom came over to my bedside and put her hand on my head. "You seem okay, but that knife wound on your arm...oh I'm so sorry we didn't listen to you?" Curious yo how my mom knew it was a knife I had to ask.

" I can't really remember what happened yesterday..." That was a lie. I unfortunately remembered it all. "Could you explain how I got home?" My mom pushed the hair out of my face and nodded.

"Of course sweetie. Well yesterday when me and your father woke up, you weren't home. We knew you needed your space so we decided to not go look for you...but now I realize that was mistake because your arm looks horrible."

           "Anyways," my dad continued. "Your mother and I started to get a little worried when you haven't come home and the sun has started to set. We were about to call the police to report you missing when a knock came from the door."

         "Now we knew it wasn't you Lucy, because you always have a key on you, but we also weren't expecting anyone." My mom's eyes started to water. I never seen her...cry over me before. "When I opened the door, well I nearly fainted at how deep the wound was."

         "But that Denbrough boy was there as well as that Marsh girl. They were on either side of you, supporting you, and your head just bobbed up and down. The blood was bleeding into the boy's shirt. Now let me just say, you all looked like shit. Not only that, you smelled like  it, too. Me and your mother were concerned that the wound might be infected, but we were also curious and a little furious that you were with these two kids. So I asked what happened."

         "'She was attacked' the girl said." My mom jumped back into the story. "'Us two and a few others were walking when we heard screaming. So we went to go check it out and we saw a group of boys, I don't know if you heard of Henry Bowers. But he and a few others were dragging her into the sewers.'"

         "'I knew what Bowers was capable of,  so we all agreed to follow them into the sewers.'"y dad was acting as Bill. "That was what the Denbrough boy said, except there was a lot more stuttering. Then he said 'we were all scared of Bowers, but we easily outnumbered them. We used sticks and stuff as weapons.' Now that kid stuttered way to much and me and your mother as well as you didn't have all night. So the red head, Beverly, wasn't it? We got her to explain the rest." My dad put his hand on my mom's shoulder, and she still had her arm on my left arm.

       "She told us that they were able to track you because of the screaming and crying, and the Denbrough kid...Bill, knew the sewers well since his father apparently works in them." When my mom mentioned Bill's names, or even the family in general, she didn't have that general coldness towards them. There wasn't any hatred to their family. "She said that Bill knew that they were headed towards a dead end, and he was corrected. There was a bunch of splashing and crying, so they decided to get them. The girl described seeing flashlights pointed at them, but they also saw you in the water...they...they saved you, Lucy." My mom started to break down in tears, and my dad massaged her shoulders. "This whole time we told you to stay away from them...and now I realized. If you listened to us. If you acted horrible towards them, you could be dead int he sewer right now and we wouldn't even know. Those kids saved you, and we are so sorry." I was surprised to hear those words come out of my mom's mouth. I looked to my dad, and he seemed to share the same feelings. Feelings of regret.

     "I'm sorry I ran out. I should've told you. I just needed to some space. I...I actually went to church, now that I remember." I struggled to improvise a story so it would be even more believable. "I knew the church would be empty and I needed some time alone. And when I was there, I realized that I was harsh on you. So I was...uhh...I was going to come home and tell you that so was sorry, but that I also needed a life of my own. I know it's scary for you to have a daughter rebel, but it's more like, getting to know the world. A sense of clarity...but I guess that was when Henry and his friends got me. They must've followed me or something. I...I don't remember much after that. Just trying to get away, then Henry and his knife. But I'm sorry you had to worry about me."

      "No, Lucy. We are your parents and we failed to teach you." My dad's gruff voice interrupted the sweet moment. "We made you what we wanted to see. We didn't let you live your life, but yesterday was eye-opening. We believe everything happens for a reason, and yesterday, me and your mother realized something huge. You are our daughter. No matter what we like or don't like about your decisions, we have to realize that that is how he  made you. We can't control you. We just guide you. And we weren't doing a pretty shitty job. And we are sorry."

    "Lucy, sweetie. We just wanted you to be happy. And now we realize if you are happy with those kids, then we shouldn't keep you away from them. They are put in your life for a reason, just as you were out in ours." My mom kissed my forehead and sat up from my bed. "We love you, Lucy. Don't forget that." They started to walk to the door.

      "Mom? Dad? I'm sorry I didn't tell you things. I was just scared on how you'd react. But they are my friends, and aim glad
You can see that, too." They looked at each other, then to me, and nodded.

      "Get some rest. I may be a nurse, but I still think you need a visit to the doctors. We will go when you feel ready." Right behind Stan kissing me, that may have been the best day of my life. I collapsed into my pillow, not realizing that I was very tense until they left and stared at the ceiling. Thank god they understood. All of that fighting and stuff was worth it in the end because they finally understood what zig saw in those guys.

     I was still very lightheaded, so I closed my eyes and the light about Bill and Bev dropping me off at my house. I thought of Stan and how he might be doing right now. Then so thought of Richie. How I was the only one who knew he was gay. Ben who finally got his kiss. Mike and Eddie who were able to stand up for themselves. I ended up going to sleep. It was the best damn sleep I've gotten in a while.

NOTE: Sorry...this is kinda filler. But I felt like this was kinda needed at the same time.

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