Familar Faces

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       WOW...I'm surprised you made it this far...okay enjoy.

       I pulled into an alleyway that connected to Palmer lane. It was an alley behind the Center Street drug store, and no one ever was ever there. My parents suggested that I always go the back way so that my bike wouldn't be exposed to the public. I never really followed their logic, but I did it anyway because there were some nice graffiti pieces in the alleys. Sometimes after school, I would ride my bike through the alleys before going home just to look at the different murals and artworks. There were a few that were explicit, but my favorite was was in the alley on the side of the drugstore. It was a mural of Derry. It was like one of those "Arizona" pop art murals, but of Derry. 

        I hopped of my bike as I stared at the murals and leaned it up against the wall of the building. I grabbed my money that I had won from the arcade match snd shoved in my Jean jacket pocket. I readjusted my hair, detangling it with my fingers and pushing it back with my headband to reveal little baby hairs. I cleared my throat and tested my voice out just to see if anything changed, but it was still raspy.

       I held my hands together and turned to the corner. When I looked up though, I stopped in my tracks. In the alley, which was usually empty, were a two boys and a whole bunch of bikes thrown in the ground except for one, which was on its kickstand. I recognized one of boys: the one in the Hawaiian shirt, thick black glasses, and jet black hair was Richie Tozier. He was in my second grade class and he would always have something funny to say. He was leaning against the wall, staring down at the ground and kicking up dust. The other kid, however, I didn't recognize. He was a heavy kid, with dirty blonde hair, which was matted with dirt. I could tell, even from afar, that his shirt was tattered and covered in blood, and his had cuts and bruises all over him.

      I stood there, my hands in my pockets, unsure of what to do. And when the thought of just turning around unnoticed finally crossed my mind, it was too late. Richie had looked up from the ground and had caught me staring at them. He pushed up his glasses and stood up.

      "What are you looking at?" He tried to sound tough. I shook my head and backed up.

      "Ahhh...ummm nothing. It's just I didn't expect to see people in this alleyway, that's all. I'm sorry I can go." Richie gave a weird smile.

       "What's wrong with your voice? You sound like you had a dick up your throat or something ." He raised his hand in front of the fat kid, who kinda just studied it. Richie slowly out his hand down.

          "Yeah, I got that a lot today. Imma just go." I started to walk backwards, fully aware of Richie and the injured kid staring at me, when suddenly three more kids ran around the corner, there hands full of gauzes and what not.

        The smallest kid, a boy in a white polo and also black hair, had been carrying all the supplies, which I assumed was to fix up the fat kid up. I wasn't sure who he was, but the next hid the kid in the green, was Bill Denbrough, or stuttering Bill. And the third kid...shit. It was the kid I had a staring contest with in the hall. Then it hit me.

        They were all friends. They were the kids Greta had pushed by and the group of kids that had been getting picked in by a Henry snd his gang in the front of the school. How did I not notice?

        The small boy in the polo ran straight to the injured boy and put the stuff down on the crate, not noticing me. Bill was looking down the street, as if he were keeping lookout or something. There was a moment of deja vu from the hallway. Me and the boy, who wore a light blue button up, khakis, snd a watch on his wrist, locked our gaze on each other. We stared at each other for a good five seconds before we finally snapped out of that trance. The boy, aware of me watching them, went over to go help his friends.

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